• A loud call jolted Dusan from his sleep.
    Heaving himself out of his bed, he called out "Coming, Dad!", then he began dressing. Dusan was 13 years old, and was the son of Azarus, the governor of the city of Varond. Because the country, Artaxata, was at war with rebels, Azarus had Dusan wake up every morning for a quick training session before breakfast.

    Once Dusan had dresses in a silver tunic, he proceeded downstairs to the door of his father's estate. There, Azarus greeted him with a smile. "Right then, let's get outside." he said. Outside, Dusan practiced fighting by slashing at a wooden dummy with a sword, with his father watching him. After 1/2 an hour, Dusan's mother, Avarea, called them to breakfast. About time, Dusan thought, whose stomach was beginning to rumble.

    During breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Dusan's father went to get it. At the door were two knights, whom Dusan recognized as members of the City Guard of Varond. "Greetings, Governor Azarus." said one, a fair man with brown hair and green eyes. "We have a message from a scout of the Arcana Council." The Arcana Council was a group of mages dedicated to unraveling the secrets of Arcane magic, whose main base neighbored Varond. The knight then handed Dusan's father a scroll. He opened it,read it, then told the knights, "Tell the Council that I will need to discuss this with one of them face-to-face first." The knights bowed and walked away. Azarus walked back to the table with a contemplative face. "What was that all about?" asked Dusan. "Oh, nothing," answered Azarus, "just politics." Concerned, Dusan finished his breakfast and went to practice his archery outside.

    An hour later, Dusan let loose his last arrow, let it hit the tree he had been aiming at, then he gathered up his arrows and walked back into the house. His mother was busy working on a book she had started some time ago, being a member of the city's senate, and his dad was outside talking with a friend. Dusan walked back to his room, but he stopped at the door. Something feels strange, he thought. Cautiously, he opened the door. There, standing in his room , facing him, was an angel.

    Dusan gasped and almost fell backward. The angel continued looking at him, not affected by his reaction to its presence. Dusan, once he had recovered, nervously said, "H-Hello."
    "Greetings." responded the angel. It had a deep calm voice, and it was wearing shining Mythril armor. Dusan asked, "Why are you here?"
    "To talk to you."
    Dusan was again surprised by the angel's reply, and he asked, "Why me?" The angel replied, "You are needed, Dusan."
    "Needed for what?"
    The angel gazed at him for a few seconds, then said, " Because you are needed to prevent the world's collapse."