• It all started when I opened my eyes from a dream. I was dreaming about vampires. Again. I’m obsessed, I get it, my mum is trying to stop me from reading more books about vampires by hiding and locking them away. But it doesn’t work. I have literally memorised all the books I have read about vampires. When I have spare time all I do is write more about them, I create new stories, everything I can to try to make them real. I know that they are not. But my mind doesn’t take no for an answer. My mother has taken me to counsellors, none of them have helped. My friends have neglected me because I am over obsessed, they used to be into them, but the fad died down, yet I am still totally engaged with them. People think I’m a freak. I need help. I only have one friend right now, that is my mother, she is trying to help me get over the obsession, she has tried EVERYTHING!

    I woke up, wiped my eyes with my hands to get rid of the sleep. I found myself in a white room. The whole room’s completely white. I had white clothes on and my bed had white sheets on it with white pillows. The room was small, very small. There was a window in the room. A window? Why the hell is there a window in the room? I got up and reached up onto my tippy toes to see through the window. I look right into some eyes. Eyes? I dropped back down to my feet and kneeled down. The eyes were a deep luscious green, a lot like the colour of moss but they were a nice green. That didn’t matter, where the hell am I??? and why the hell was there someone looking through the window at me?? It was as if they were studying me, the way that people study animals to see the way they act. I’m scared. I looked around the room again, I hated all this white it’s too bright, I tried to ignore the whiteness of the room and got up. I headed toward the other end of the room slowly until I reached something that looked like my drawers that I have at home, I opened a draw and found more white stuff, I picked a piece up, it unfolded into a shirt. More clothes?Why do I need clothes that are exactly the same?

    I dropped the shirt and scanned the room. There has to be a door somewhere. I couldn't see one. I put my hands against the wall and moved them around as i walked along the wall trying to find a door, a knob anything! The right side of me bumped into something hard, I turned and noticed I found my way back to the drawers. My breathing came out harder, I began to become afraid. I slid my back down the wall until i was kneeling. I wrapped my arms around my knees and started to sob. I heard a knocking coming from above, I looked up and noticed a window on the roof. I saw someone familiar through the window, I wiped away my tears and saw a clearer view of my mother. I got up and reached up to her, tears falling down my face. I just noticed her mouth 'sorry' when i heard a piercing sound, like a whistle, but it was was so high in pitch that it gave me a huge headache. I felt a tingle go through my body, like when someone screeches their sharp nails down a blackboard or if you accidently bite your metal fork. I screamed out in pain, falling down to the ground. I blacked out. I dreamt about the pain i had just suffered, i tried to wake up from the misery, but nothing was working. I heard my mother's voice which was very faint like she was very far away. She was yelling at someone to help me. I could barely hear what they replied but i deciphered it, they had replied that they couldn't do anything.My mind went totally blank.

    I begin to hear noises, its faded, but its good. It's a sign im not dead. Hopefully. A ringing starts in my ears and try to rub my ears with my hands. I get pains down my arms just trying to move a fingertip. Whats happened? What have i done to deserve this? I open my eyes and realise that im in a kind of sitting position in a bed. My body is so numb that i couldn't feel that i was on a laying/sitting position. I looked at my arms trying to not move my neck as much as i could and noticed they were black. From my fingertips to my shoulder i was black! Black and blue! full of bruises! What happened? Please someone bloody tell me, im begging you!! The ringing from my ears die down and i suddenly hear footsteps growing louder. A door opens and closes in the room im in and i then see a male in white. He's wearing a doctors uniform. Am i in hospital? I see his eyes. Oh. My. God. They're the eyes i saw looking at me through that window. I thought it was a dream, but it mustn't of been.
    "Ah, you're awake this morning." He said surprised. I try to make a reply like 'where the hell am i?' but my lips just droop. I must look like a retard to him.
    "Ah, i see you also still are not able to move." He goes on, studying and analyzing me. "Do you remember what happened?" The guy continues. Does he expect me to answer? I cant talk! I dont even know where i am, how am i supposed to know what the hell happened to me?
    "Oh, right. Sorry, you are in a special type of hospital. And are you sure you don't remember a thing?" The guy asks. Holy ********. What happened? Did i speak? No, im sure i did not speak. I know i didn't speak! But, how did he? How the? What? Who is this guy?
    "Sorry, this must be a surprise to you. I can confirm to you that you did not speak. I have an ability to read minds. Oh, and im your doctor. Dr Hanson." He answered my questions. Is he like a vampire? No. Vampire's aren't real Brooke. Geez. But there's no other explanation. He must be. NO! Brooke he isn't! He can't be. Can he?
    "Please stop with your rambling. It's hard to see if your in pain if you keep on blubbering on about nonsense in your head. Ok, thats better. You seem to be able to only move your eyes pretty much. It's really painful isn't it? All the bruising." Was he inside my head? In my body? What was he doing? I felt a tingling sensation go down one of my legs. It started to itch like hell! What the hell was this guy doing to me?
    "Yeh, it's itchy because i started to heal it and you start talking nonsense again in your head. What do you expect? If you want the itching to stop, calm down and stop thinking. It will help me concentrate." Dr Hanson was getting on my nerves he just bossed me around. Plus the way he just spoke to me wasn't exactly polite. I felt like being a b***h and just think nonsense. But if i did, i would be in terrible pain and i don't want that. So i stayed calm and watched him rake his hands through his brown hair a couple of times. He then slowly but carefully placed his hands on my stomach. That's when i realised i was naked. I couldn't help it but, i just had to go crazy over it. Why the hell am i naked? Oh my god this guy is seeing me naked, the perv! Oh my god. Oh my god. No! i don't want him to see me naked! I hardly know the guy! Tingles went all up and down my legs and arms. Oops.
    "Fine! If you don't want me to heal you, you can just suffer and go through this pain like a normal person would if they didn't have someone like me!" Dr Hanson raged. His eyes had a tinge of red flash through them. The guy looked scary as hell. And my body was so itchy it was worse than the chickenpox. Way worse. I could move my arms now and i used them to scratch myself as well as trying to reach down to my ankles to move the sheet up to my breasts. But no such luck with that because my back wouldn't go that far for me. So i stayed with itching.
    "******** you! Damnit! give me the sheet. Hell!" I found my voice finally and i was raging. Dr Hanson looked surprised. He gave me the sheet and walked around the room to a sink. He washed his hands.
    "No need for that language. It's not like I've never seen a girl naked before." He hissed.
    "Well, i hardly know you! ********! Please stop the itching! Please!!" I begged
    "No. You can suffer a little longer." He smirked like an evil genius. ******** i hate him.
    "Garghhh!!! Suffer a little longer?! Are you kidding me? Please!! Im begging you!! Uhh.. Sorry for swearing at you! Just please! Please!" Was he just gonna let me suffer? Damn! I shouldn't of freaked when i noticed i was naked. I really don't want to go through this pain any longer. My scratching started to get deep from my long nails and droplets of blood were coming out of the scratch marks.
    "Ok, ok. I think thats enough pain. You really need to cut your nails. You are gonna have to draw back the sheet, i need to touch the core of your body to heal you properly." He grabbed my hands to stop me from scratching and put them at my sides. I nodded as he hesitated to pull back the sheet. He pulled it back and placed his hands onto my stomach again. I tried really hard not to think. So i concentrated on my breathing. In and out.. In and out.. Dr Hanson gave me a questioning look and i raised my eyebrow at him.
    "You're all healed up. You just need some rest." He told me
    "And then what? I feel there's something you ain't telling me." I hassled
    "You will find out after you rest."
    "I've been resting for..." How long have i been resting for?
    "You've been out for a month." He informed me.
    "WHAT?! What do you mean 'a month'? What happened to knock me out for so long?"
    "A month as in 30 days. Its July the 12th. And im sure you will know what happened soon." Does this guy know anything? Or is he just annoying me? "Well if i told you, you will probably go crazy and not believe a word i said."
    "I don't care! Tell me! Or i'll get my mother too.. Where is my mum? Why am i here in the first place? Why was i in that white room? You should know that because i saw you in that window. Please tell me something."
    "The only thing i am authorized to tell you at the moment is to get some sleep. You will see your mother soon enough."