• One boy, was reading his Shonen Jump in the local park. There was a strong wind and it blew the book out of his hands. He had ran for it as fast as could. It was to late the book had fell in the shark invested waters but he did not give up. He jump in the water and swam for the book. He got the book and returned home with it. When he got there his mother had told him to deliver some bread for his aunt. He took his book with him on the walk so he could finish that months Naruto. on his walk a pack of wild wolves tried to kill him but he got away. Then the building next to him smashed the book covering it completely. He picked the building up and threw the skyscraper and got his book and delivered the bread. On his way back the wind blew the book again. The book landed next to the wolves. The boy dived for the book but couldn't get to his feat in time and the boy was killed by the wolves. To this day no one had ever went that far their Anime.