• He left his mark,his tale lasted....it was his dream to effect the world in some way,and even when it ended like he might not have intentionaly wanted it to;i'm sure he is happy.

    My mind shook from inspiration;my body felt electrified.I ran quickly the world turned a blurr as I skidded to a halt.I quickly grabbed a pen and pencil,and lost it,just like that.The feeling fled my body and left me a dead shell empty.
    "To late again huh?",I repeated to myself for the hundreth time now,"How am I supposed to change the world if I can't even write down what i'm thinking."
    I treid to stay up and ready,but at times like this I just felt like falling over and dying from embarresment.I ran like a madman to get to my room.I could just picture myself doing it.I let myself slowly and intentionaly lose my balance.I fell onto my bed and stared at the plane blank covers,"No one understands...."

    At the time I was lying to myself.....

    "hey why'd you skip out on me man?",I immediatly asked him as I saw him walking back over,"Don't want to be around you freind anymore?",he didn't reply as usual.I turned away from him,and started walking off,I hated when he didn't answer me."Who do you thing you are leaving your friend like that.",
    I said it with hurt in my voice surprised to find I wasn't faking.He breathed deeply for a couple of minutes,and let out in a ragged voice,"I want to be known....."
    "Known what do you mean by.....",I turned and looked over at him.

    Blood,unnoticed,seeping,oozing,disgusting,velvet red blood

    A dark,lifeless,quiet,pale,tired,ignorant,face sat starring

    A blade,stainless metal,cold,killing instument,blood covered,kinfe deep within his stomache.

    Before I could help....it was over.I stood there watching my best friends dead corpse.The air grew cold,and I passed out.There were many reasons why I'd passed out fear of blood,my best friend stabbed himself,and I had to think.Although I couldn't do it awake,because it wasn't safe to give away my ideas to others.It would ruin my plans if I gave it away.

    months later people learned of the suicide.
    I started going out with a girl that he had liked,but could never tell her he did.
    A mircle medical precedure had shown up.A blood transfer of sorts.That got rid of diseases.
    I became a famous writer and every month I stand at his grave,thank him,and tell him how my life was going.I also told him how great he was,and how.....that as the year passed his name started to show up.
    By the end of my life John Nate had become one of the most well known names ever.....