• Now my story begins in the classroom, December 10, 08. Today was the day we got a new student. She walked into the room, and right then, right there it hits me. "She's the one," i thought. Now sidney is no ordinary girl, well atleast not on the inside. She sits down beside me. "I'm Sidney," she said. "Oh hi," istuddered. "you should start with your name," she replied. "I'm Aaron," i said. Then time stood still. The bell rang lunch. But i didn't fell right, i left school "sick". Now there i am going to stop. Because. now that you know how i felt when i met her, we are going to a new time, December 10, 2010, 8th grade, Ranch View middle school. I haven't seen Sidney since June 22, 2010. But this is just the beggining of the weird stuff. Last year Sidney and me ran into each other on December 10, 2009. Because Ranch View throughs a half year party on every December 10. But Sidney wasn't at the party this year. I asked the school where she was, and they said there is no record of a Sidney Taylor going ot that school ever. Ya, I know, confusing. But one problem, yesterday she was called down to the office. So, i was just as confused as you are right now. So where was she? No one seemed to know that she even excisted, except one person me, at least that's what I thought.

    Well stay tooned for chapter 2!