• As i circle the ground, the lovely messengers carry their beloved ones off the warn field. Blood is spattered everywhere the eye can see and yet there is a silence to the land, a quiet hush that has fallen in this forsaken place. I can easily see the natural hills and crests of the landscapes but now, half of it is covered in dirt that has been pulled up by the massacre that took place here only moments ago. Well it feels like moments but it has really been days, months, maybe even years. My swiftness brings me closer to the destruction that still shows the scars of a battle and out of my peripheral vision I see a sleek black blur. It appears someone is still going through the motions of his own war; the kind that never left his own heart even after the natural world has lost sight of it. It makes me sad, the fact that in another plane this horrific experience is ongoing; that some are forever stuck in this mind set.