• I was sitting on the fence outside my house. Nothing much happening that day. I was just listening to Green Day on my iPod Touch. It was about 3:21 P.M. in New Orleans. New Orleans. The place that I live in. It's said to be the most haunted place in America. Am I surprised? No. I'm not that scared of much. I'm just scared of losing my home, having a harsh break up, and going bankrupt. Why am I worrying about this at 17? Well, I actually live next door to my parents. And I live with my little sister. I know it's illegal to live without a guardian under 18 years of age, but my parents and I kinda got into a fight.

    My 5 year old sister Kati ran out of the house, her tiny features twisted into what seemed like a grimace, a scared smile, and a hint of worried eyes. Her arms were spread out and she stopped at the fence, hugging my legs. "Lidia, I'm scared!" Kati squeezed my legs. "Of what, sweety? Nothing to be scared of in our house!" I paused my iPod and smiled a warm, calm smile that had seemed to make Kati childishly giggle. I took my graceful hands and pulled Kati's dirty blonde hair behind her ear. Her hazel eyes seemed to shimmer and glow in the sunlight. You see, Kati and I aren't alike at all, though we are sisters. I have black hair that seems to be about up to my chin, a thin, pale frame, and emerald eyes. Unlike Kati, who has dirty blonde hair to the bottom of her shoulder blade, a slightly chubby and kind of tan frame, and hazel eyes.

    When Kati caught sight of my iPod, I grinned. "Kati, you could play later. Tell me what was wrong." I grinned a little wider and smoothed Kati's hair down. As I said that, my mom peeked out her bedroom window. I waved at her, and she smiled and waved back, shrinking back into the window. "I was in the attic. A spider climbed onto my shoulder and dust powdered me. ." Kati pointed at her shoulder. "Why were you up there by yourself if it's scary?" I softly asked, smiling half-heartedly now. "I was esplorin'." Kati boasted. "Well, did you find anything?" I asked, jumping off the fence. "Actually, yeah. A trunk. It was locked, so I couldn't open it." Kati shifted her weight from one foot to another, looking down.