• Trees were surrounding me everywhere. Many charred ad blackened braches swung losely from their remaining bark. From the outside, everthing appeared to be dead or dying ; many little species of plants, trees, as well as lush green grass blanketed the forest below the depressing scenery, showing signs of new life. Normally, I would never dare to come anywhere near a place like this one. However a deep aching in my heart seemed to lessen the further I would walk into the meadow beyond the trees.
    I was careful as I steped around glass and sharp pointed rocks. my sandals were already caked in mud. I followed my gut feeling in an akward direction. The farther I followed it out, the more the ache decreased. It was obvious that someone had cleared it out recently. The pain became harsh very quickly an I jerked to another direction once again. The feeling became more urgent and I began to run, dispite how much my legs argued with me. It was too late to turn back now, I just hoped I was not getting into any trouble.
    Then a feeling of warmth came over me as I passed a few bushes and shrubs. I was then standing in a small clearing. There was a silvery mist surrounding me. I could see a small pond and at least three dozen roses of all diferent colors and breeds. The pond water and the dew on the surrounding roses glittered like diamonds. The reflection from the moon made everything in this place shine in the dark. It was so perfect, I had no other words for it.
    I could see my reflection in the shallow pool of water. short red hair with thin black highlights, pale albino skin, and purple eyes; the girl staring back at me seemed almost unreal, not in a good way. I wished my eyes were contacts, I would pull them out and never wear them again. My doctors refused to see me anymore, not since they realized that there was no explanation for my eyes, skin, or hair. I am pale as a sheet of paper; my skin reacts as an albino child's would, never gaining any color. I was a complete contradiction on genetic study so far. but i couldnt aford the contacts to hide my eyes. My black streaks I did, so it would appear as if the red of my hair was fake.
    A noise came from across the pond behind some of the rose bushes. I sneaked quietly to where it came from, hoping to find a small animal. However, What I saw made me gasp and and almost freeze in place. A man, around his twenties.
    He had gashed everywhere, blood and sweat was caked in his deep chestnut hair. I could see the agony in his eyes. I recognised him from somewhere, though, I could not remember for the life of me. The shape of his jaw, his lips, facial features, even his scent called to me. I shook my head and snapped back to reality as I cursed at myself for being attracted to an injured man. Hi severely need help, and I was the only one near by.
    I walked closer to him and kneeled by his side. I began to rip some cloth from my night gown. He grabbed my hand and opened hin mouth to speak but only blood poured out. A lump formed in my throat, an I held back the tears as much as I could.
    "leave, run!" I heard a male voice scream into my head. It sounded like it came from the man, though his lips hadn't moved yet.
    I had enough time to turn around, before I felt a My hair being ripped back, I gasped as I felt lips on my neck. I closed my eyes and swallowed nervously.
    "Rebecca" My eyes snaped open as I heard my name being whispered into my ear. I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow me. I felt dizzy and scared, my heart was beating a thousand times a minute before....I woke up harshly as I fell off of my bed.