• ~ Jazzy
    Hi, I'm Jazzy. I'm from MistClan. I was just recently made a healer. I'm so excited! Oh, I forgot some simple rules. I'll tell them to you.

    There are four Clans in the valley. MistClan, DiamondClan, FireClan, and ShadeClan. There are five rules, all very simple and easy, but some are hard to obey.

    {1. Don't trust the other Clans in your time of need. Stick to your teammates for support.
    {2. Don't trespass into other Clan's territory, or prepare to face death unless it is an important matter.
    {3. Only the leader may decide partners for you to love.
    {4. Never ever leave the valley. Even if your camp is on fire.
    {5. Never ever ever ever fall in love with a person from another Clan!

    Sounds easy, huh? I'm not worried about the fifth rule. I don't like or love anyone in my Clan, or anyone outside my Clan. So I'll be fine.

    "Jazzy, hurry up! Ruby is hurt!"

    Oops, there goes Kai...She is such a loud-mouth! "Coming!" I called back, running out of the cave where I had been standing. I saw Kai looming over Ruby, who was coughing up blood.

    "Get away from her, let me handle this!" I snapped at Kai, thrusting my palm out to make Kai back up. I could see the scorn on her face, but she knew better than to challenge the newly made healer.

    You see, Kai really wanted to be the next healer. There were at least three or four apprentices training to be a healer. The only healer taught all four at different times. Then, he or she chose the one that he or she thought had learned the basics the best.

    I watched Kai retreat over to the group of huddled girls whisping and muttering to each other. Both of the other healer apprentices, Lotus and Sand were among them. They must have been upset about not being chosen.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I think I saw my former trainer, Oak, watching me with proud blue eyes. It made me feel proud of myself.

    "Jazzy! Stop spacing off!" Someone whispered in my ear. My gaze flew up to scold one of the girls who had corrected the healer. My gaze softened as soon as I saw who was talking to me.

    It was my best friend, Eve. We had been best friends since we became apprentices. She supported me through the tough times even. Nodding my head I slipped my hands under Ruby's arms, scrambling to lift her to her feet.

    I wobbled as I tried to support the weigh from the apprentice. "Eve, help me with her!" I ordered in a soft tone. I could never order around my best friend like I did to the snotty girls in my Clan.

    Eve came toward me, lifting up Ruby's legs as we went to the Morning Cave. That was what I had named the cave where I helped injured or sick teammates. My trainer loved the name, and officially made it happen.

    Oak had talked to our leader, Claw, who was still leader today, to ask if this was possible. He slowly agreed, at first worried that we might become 'attached' to the name. Weird reason, huh?

    "Lay her down on the hay over there." I told Eve, gesturing with my free hand at the rised stone with showered hay all over it.

    Leaving Eve to carry Ruby over to the bed, I rushed over to my supplies and dug through them, sending scattered leaves and plants all over the expanse of the cave.

    Feeling someone's body heat beside me, I knew it was Eve who had come to pick up after me. "Thanks." I mumbled to her, not caring if she heard me or not.

    I finally cam across some Bridge, feeling it's rough edges sent tingles of excitment through my spine. This was the first herb I had every used when I first started by training as a Healer.

    Pushing the flash-back aside, I went over to Ruby and kneeled by the stone. "Alright, Ruby. If you want to get better you'll have to work with me." I told her, hoping she could hear me through her coughing fit.

    I saw her jerk once, than twitch her head in a nodding movement.

    "Now, open your mouth. It may taste bitter, but you have to choke it down.Than you can have some water and some food." I assured her, hoping Eve got my cue to go get some water and some meat from the storage cave.

    I ripped the rough leaves apart, letting them fall into a stone cup on the stone bed beside Ruby, who was coughing blood up on herself, leaving herself with a bloodied appearance.

    "Open your mouth." I told her in a sweet voice as she opened her mouth slowly, willing to obey me if it would save her life. I tipped the stone cup so that the ripped up leaves slowly flew down into her mouth.

    "Sit up now." I ordered her strictly, pushing my hand behind her back to force her upward. Laying down while taking a herb could choke anyone, despite the size. Bitterness caused the taste buds to react.

    Ruby let me guide her upwards. I watched her face turn into a grimace. The bitterness of the herb was finally getting on her nerve.

    I watched her neck, waiting to see the gulp so I could reassure myself she had taken it all. Finally seeing a lump go from the top of her throat, than down told me she needed some water.

    "Eve, do you have the wat-?" I turned around to yell out of the Morning Cave before Eve popped into my sight. "Yep!" She called back as she held the cup of water and in her other hand, a vegetable.

    Thank goodness it was a vegetable! I can't stand the sight of meat being held by the hand and being choked down. I only stuck to vegetables, that was until Claw had enough of me and ordered me to eat some.

    Taking the cup from her I nodded my thanks as I handed it to Ruby. She drunk it down as soon as I gave it to her. Reaching out to take the corn Eve had brought I gave it to Ruby who ate it in fierce bites.

    "Now, why don't you rest." I whispered softly in her ear as I saw her relieved face that soon grew to weary eyes, than I heard the soft murmurs of her sleeping breathing. Smiling to myself, I got up to my feet.

    "Thanks, Eve. You saved me there." I told her while grinning as I punched her shoulder lightly. "Sure." Eve replied, gazing out of the Morning Cave at Rob, who was joking around with his buddy, Jack.

    "You like him, don't you?" I asked her quietly while peering out at the two.

    "Yes." She answered softly before her gaze returned on me.

    "You do know Claw will pick your partner soon." I knew she already knew this. Maybe I could convince him to make the two partners....?

    "Yes. I know he will never pick him and me to be partners." She sighed. I saw the sadness in her eyes growing bigger by the second. It broke my heart to see her like this. I had to do something now!

    "Hey, look who it is!"

    "Move out of the way!"

    "We need to speak to Claw."

    Right then, I knew that wasn't one of my teammate's voices. I knew right then. Another Clan was in our Camp. Walking to the entry-way of the Morning Cave with Eve close behind me.

    I watched as five of the members of a Clan walked through the trail of aligned trees that opened our camp. By their appearance, I knew who they were.


    MistClan had scars on their faces, born with them with the shape of a sun.

    FireClan had red eyes, all of them did. But different shades.

    ShadeClan always wore black.

    And DiamondClan always wore a diamond necklace or choker around their neck.

    I narrowed my green eyes as I tried to remember who were the people who had come with their leader.

    I knew their leader, Scar, had come with them. I could see him in the front of the group. I think the man on his left was Shadow, and on his right was Strike. I think behind him was Ice and...Keith.

    The pulse of my heart began to speed up when I saw the brown haired boy. What was going on!? Why all of the sudden was I feeling excited.....?

    I noticed Keith's brown eyes on me. Feeling myself turn red I looked down. What was wrong with me?

    "I see. We will speak with my healer." I heard a deep voice bellow.

    "Jaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!" My name seemed to be split up into a long call. I looked at Eve for a moment and I smiled weakly. This was my first private meeting with my leader about a briefing of something important, and even the DiamondClan leader!

    Huh, wait! That would mean I would be with Keith too.

    "Go on Jazzy, your making Claw look mad." I heard Eve warn me and give me a friendly shove out of the cave. I hobbled weakly over to my leader as he beckoned me in with the five others.

    I made an effort not to let myself brush Keith as I sat beside my leader.

    "So. Why have you come to MistClan Territory?"