• Capter 1. Dream

    It was dark and yet it was light as well. I started wandering trying to find a way out. It was so hot and humid but very cold,it was weird.
    Then I noticed that I was being held in a world of a god and not just any god. The god of the forest appeared before me. It spoke in a
    soft voice that was so beautiful that it was almost like it was singing to you but it also was very cold and put shivers down my back
    like the devil was talking to me.
    "I am the forest god. I controll life and death but there is a new power lurking in the shadows.
    This power is not a power that is know to any god but this sinister power is targeting the world of mortals. You are the one who will
    save this world. I am the ruler of all gods and there is another person who is to my standard. The god of neither life or death but a god
    of truth and lies.
    "This god is my partner in which we set all the worlds in balance.You must find your partner and mine if you want to save the world of
    mortals and to save the ones you love. If you shall fail, the mortal world will be destroyed and all the universe and other worlds that I and my
    partner have created."
    And then it started to disappear into the light and the dark of its forest. I had so many questions like
    what was its name and who was I specificly looking for and why I was the one, a normal 16 year old (not so normal anymore) to be
    chosen for this but I also never understood this weird dream. And yet as I was wandering into the not so dark forest
    my mother appered before me and said "Trust the gods and your own power."
    Then she disappered and at that point I was totaly confused!
    I really had no idea what was goin on, but in my head my moms words kept on ringing in my head "Trust the god and your power" and as I kept
    replaying her words in my head my gut was telling me that I had to trust my mothers words and the gods. I sould have been scared but I was strangley calm in
    this strange forest. For some reason I felt like I've been there before. So I just kept on wandering in the forest, confused and calm.