• Kristy Gallstone snuck past the russet railing blocking off the sea from everyone. “Why have they blocked the sea?” she muttered. Kristy took off her white lace dress and threw it on the sand. As the dress hit the sand Kristy leapt into the ocean. Kristy swam to the large rock and climbed on it. She watched the sea, waiting for her friend. She peered into the horizon and saw it, a glimmer of pink scales. Kristy waved out. Suddenly a girl with wavy, blonde hair emerged from the ocean. She waved up to Kristy. “Kristy!” the girl shouted and swam to her. “Attina!” Kristy shouted back. Attina climbed onto the rock and sat herself next to Kristy. “It’s sad you can only see me once a week now.” Attina sighed. “It’s ok Attina!” Kristy laughed. Attina gave her a quizzical look. “I made friendship necklaces.” Kristy smiled. Attina beamed. Kristy took two makeshift necklaces from her shorts. She handed one to Attina. “BFFL!” Attina cried hugging Kristy. Attina dived into the ocean, her pale pink tail shimmering in the sunlight. Kristy waded in after her. “Guess what?” she asked. “What?” Attina piped up. “It’s my 16th Birthday tomorrow!” Kristy giggled. Attina gasped. “Will you visit me tomorrow? I’ll bring you a present.”
    “Sure!” Kristy laughed.


    But it never happened. Kristy got punished for swimming in the blocked off ocean area. She got sent to boarding school. Attina waited on the rock; she sat there for 3 weeks. Kristy returned from boarding school for a brief time, but the school gave her so much work, she never left the house. After 4 years, Kristy graduated boarding school. After she graduated Kristy went to collage. There she met Ronald Henderson. They went out and before she knew it, they were married.

    As Kristy was cleaning out her things from her old house, she stumbled across a shell tied to some thread. Kristy didn’t recognize Attina & her friendship necklace. She and Ronald were going on a cruise and she had read it was peaceful to throw unwanted jewelry into the ocean for good luck. On the cruise Kristy threw the friendship necklace into the ocean in the middle of the night. She listened as the small ‘plop’ cried from the water as the necklace hit it. The necklace drifted down into some ruins, never to be found again…