• I was in this old home with my family. It was fall and really pretty outside but this dead baby kept appearing in my window which made me freak! It was in a little bed and was wearing little blue footie jammies BUT WAS FRIGGIN DEAD. And when I went downstairs to tell my parents my bed appeared out of no where downstairs then the mattress suddenly disappeared but my parents still didn’t believe me. I went outside to chill and then this dead guy in a British war outfit started yelling at me cuz I threw his pencil sharpener out the window. I apologized and we went walking to somewhere. I looked at these beautiful flowers outside the woods and thought they were corn for some odd reason; the guy corrected me and gave them a weird name. I saw that the corn was right below them. We met up with these other ghosts who were going to help me get ride of something or stop it. We all went underground, but then some of them had to go to school so I had to wait for them in this hospital looking hallway with the War guy. They never came back so I woke up when I was still in the hallway. They are were see through but still solid in some way. The dream was scary, but nice in a way. All the ghosts looked out for me and were kind.