• “Hi….nice to see you. If only every girl threw themselves at me.” He always made sarcastic remarks. He walked in…

    And headed towards the table, his eyes burning with desire for the omelets, he sat down and impatiently put two on his plate. I laughed and Emma walked over to the table and sat down. I patted Ben’s head as I walked to my place. Ben had already scarped down his first and was halfway through his second. Now I remember who ate the two bowls of popcorn at our movie nights. Ben reached for a third as his swallowed his second, I quickly picked up my fork and smacked his hand. He screeched, “OW! Geeze someone wants to eat a lot.” He smiled and winked.
    I had to laugh a little, “Yeah, haha no its for..er…well-”
    I was interrupted with a groggy voice, “Me I hope. Im starving!” I nodded and looked at Ben’s face, his mouth dropped and looked between Emma, Damon, and me. I then slowly turned his head to the stairs, “Uh yeah, hey Damon… Nice to see you again?” His statement came more as a questions. I slinked down wanting to hide, Ben had always wanted to live with my aunt and uncle because of the money and of course me, I lived with them. Oi, this was going to be a lot to explain. I looked up to see Damon scarping down his omelets. I looked at Ben, his face was confused, his borrow was furrowed and mouth tight eyes looking down at his empty plate. I looked at Emma who was walking about cleaning up she paused and looked at me. Her eyes were wide, almost popping out of their sockets. Her mouth opened in horror and stared at me, “What now?” I was half expecting her to say something horrible but all it was was, “Uh Jayne, I think we have a bit of a problem… Can I speak with you…” She looked at Ben and Damon who were now concerning looking at her, “ Alone.”
    “Uh sure Ems,” I scooted my chair out and kissed bens cheek and hugged him. He straightened his back and smiled a little. I walked after Emma to the living room, “Whats up Emma?”
    She paced a little and looked at me, “Well, we have a bit of a problem, have you had any weird feelings today?”
    “No… Emma please don’t tell me I gain some freakish power or something…I really don’t want it.” I huffed out a breath and all of a sudden a feeling of grief and content mixed together washed over me, it quickly faded into a sadness no one should feel, I fell to my knees and started bawling for no reason I looked at Emma, “What…is…it? Wahaha!” I sobbed in my hands as mental pictures flew through my head, they showed as though they were memories lived by the ones before my time. All of a sudden I wanted to clutch every inch of my body, physical and mental pain came. I rolled on the floor and curled in a beetle position. I screamed in agony, I couldn’t see anymore. I barely heard Ben and Damon rush in alarmed. I could feel their eyes on me.
    “Shhh, Shh, calm down Jay… I know its painful, sad, and all that but you must contain it. You are gaining well, the knowledge of those before us…” Her voice faded and I huffed and tried to contain the pain, sorrow, and all…every now and again it slipped. I started to go unconscious. I heard Ben shriek, “We need to take her to the hospital!” that was it and I was out. I woke up on a bench with whispers about. I tried to open my eyes but it was hard, when I tried again someone with a kind voice, “Shh, child don’t. Wait til all five is here.” I nodded and kept my eyes closed, “She is to young! What she only fifteen, sixteen at the most! Ha, I was twenty-seven! This one is to small, throw her back!”
    “Won, stop. Maybe she is young, but she will do great, I know it be. She has that look on her.”
    “Please! She is irresponsible looking! Throw her back, give me my memories to give to another, not this one.”
    “WON! You died at thirty-one, you believe that she is irresponsible! Scuff yourself for being reckless, you are here because you did a great deed, now be quite, she is here. She can come to.”
    I felt a little shove and my eyes flew open. I looked at five people.
    The first one, she white hair, not old but dyed. Her skin was tan, eyes were brown, light brown. Her lips tight as if she was trying not to speak.
    The second, he had midnight black hair, tied back into a ponytail. He looked as if he was Chinese, Won I figured, cause of how sourly he looked towards me. His eyes were pitch black, that scared me some.
    The third another man, looking as if he was a prince, he was dressed in royal blue and gold. His hair was brown with red spewed across it, his skin was tanish, eyes brown.
    The fourth, a buff man that had blonde hair and was darken skin. Eyes were blue, his features didn’t fit him so well.
    And I looked for the fifth, they said five? Yes yes they did. The men and women spread into different directions, making a path to the fifth. I looked at the light coming from a chamber door, the woman descended down. She stopped at the beginning of the row of people making themselves a hallway.
    I looked at the fifth, my eyes watered at her beauty, she had long brown hair, down to her waist, it had natural highlights of red and blonde in it. Her eyes were green with a hint of gray on the edges. Lips were plump but lovely delicate looking. Her skin was a natural tan. Her favorite color, red. Her favorite fruit, banana. Her name, Melena. Her child me. My mother. yes I was positive…