• For several billion years, since not long after the creation of this universe, the Great Ones and Shadow Lords have been in a constant struggle. They came into being as a physical representation of a similar struggle going on between the primal forces of Good and Evil not long after the universe formed. About 15,000 years ago, after so many billions of years of fighting, the Great Ones brought another galaxy under their protection, The Milky Way. For the next two hundred years, they did their best to wipe out all evil influences in this galaxy. They took ‘turned’ magicians and sorcerers in and began what they call the Cleansing, or turning them back to the point where they can either lead normal lives or work to join our ranks. All evil materials, books, artifacts, etc, were taken and destroyed. The Great ones managed to get them all except for one book, a Dark Tome. This book was found by a young, promising, and powerful magician. In time, it came to consume him and thus he became the Shadowmaster, and created the Shadow realm. The Great ones sealed the Shadowmaster and all his minions away in the shadowrealm when they became to much of a risk to the safety of the galaxy, but they did not use the six power stones. As a result, the seal they placed on the shadowrealm is coming free, and already some of the masters lesser minions are beginning to break through the cracks. Now it is time for the power stones to be found and placed in the seal on the shadow realm so that the shadowmaster can be sealed away forever.