• 'Okay....what should I bring with me...?' Luna thought, rumaging through her room, tossing articles of clothing books, and toys through the air. 'Argh....what am I going to tell my parents!?' Luna sighed, packing her bags. She gathered up her things and walked downstairs.

    A pure white letter layed perfectly folded on the living room table. Luna picked it up and read it. Written on the paper, in her mother's handwriting, was a letter to her father that had said Luna would be going to summer camp. Luna sighed, remembering the arguement her parents had said about sending her to summer camp a few days ago. The letter made it sound like her mother had given in and agreed to send Luna to camp.
    "You're mother is on a business trip, correct?" Antton asked, sitting on the couch across from Luna. A toothpick hung from his mouth and his eyes were closed.
    "Yes..." Luna replied, setting the letter down. "But, my father will never believe this...My mother is..."
    "Stubborn as a donkey?" Antton interrupted.
    "Yes..." Luna replied again, crossing her arms. "It isn't going to work. My father's going to call my mother and tell her how happy he is she changed her mind..."
    "That's why, we're going to make it look like a kidnapping..." Antton said, his devious smirk revealing itself once more. Suddenly, impossibly fast, Antton was right behind Luna. As vase fell to the floor, Antton's hand was suspended in the air. In another blink, he was across the room, his fist smashed into the painting.
    "Hey, hey!" Luna yelled. "We're supposed to make it look like a kidnapping, not trash the house!" Antton snickered.
    "I know..." He said, reappearing next to Luna. Suddenly, a sharp pain ran down Luna's arm. Blood poured onto the floor, staining the carpet. Antton quickly grabbed Luna and dragged her across the living room, leaving a trail of blood.
    "Ah! What the he-" Luna screamed. "What's the matter with you!?"
    "We have to make this look convincing.." Antton answered, letting go of Luna. Luna stood up, grabbing her arm.
    "Then what the heck was the letter for!?" Luna shrieked. Antton turned to the window, staring at the neighbor's house.
    "An alibi.." Antton said, his voice suddenly sounding serious, "Luna...start screaming..." Looking around nervously, Luna burst into fits of wails. Antton suddenly started to throw things to the ground, glasses, books, paintings, etc. "Shut up!" Antton yelled, his voice full of anger. Luna suddenly stopped screaming. Antton shot her a "what-are you-doing!?" look. Luna started to scream again and more glasses hit the ground. Soon, police sirens were heard.
    "Okay, let's get the heck outta here." Antton said, suddenly grabbing Luna and her bags and running out the back door.