• I was only 12 when I was changed. An innocent little girl, with no clue that the world she had grown up in was about to change forever...

    I don't remember much before my awakening, only that I was being followed by something that haunts the night. I was being stalked by this thing!
    It's glowing red eyes, stared at me from behind. I was petrified! How did I get into this situation? And more importantly, how would I get out of it?

    My question was answered with the sound of piercing screeches. The sound of my own screams. And the spilling of blood...

    But that was long ago. 340 years to be exact. I was now a mature vampire. I never met my sire. I assume he just wanted a snack and I was the only thing on the menu. It would have been nice to have someone there to show me the ropes though. You know, it's kind of disorienting when you wake up, alone, in an alley in London with no immediate memory as to how you got there.

    But it made me strong. Independent. A bit crazy for the first year, but, it was worth it. I'm much stronger than most my age. I know how to hit like a real vampire instead of a 15 year old girl.

    I haven't grown since that fatefull night. No-one treats me the way you should treat a 352 year old vampire. They just think i'm a 12 year old girl. The girl I was so long ago. The girl I'll never be again...

    To Be Continued...