• Ryo stood as Inferno continued to think out his plan. The fight was fierce and Inferno knew he would have to be smart.
    Inferno's muscles tensed as Ryo charged. Inferno dodged the left and then the right. a kick was thrown by Ryo again, and Inferno dodged again. Finally Ryo threw a hard right and Inferno grabbed his fist and connected with a knee. Surpirised Ryo climbed back to his feet.
    "In all m years of training warriors," Ryo began, "i've never been hit on the first sparring session."
    "Well you said yourself i'm not a normal fighter." Inferno replied.
    Ryo grinned and charged again. He threw a kick that connected to Inferno's ribs and sent him tumbling to the ground. Inferno rolled back to his feet as Ryo threw a hard scissor kick to the ground. Inferno retaliated with a right punch that connected to ryo's jaw. This time Ryo was sent to the ground. inferno came down with a hard right that Ryo barely dodged. Ryo came bac to his feet and threw a kick to Inferno's head. Inferno somehow stayed standing but the kick took a heavy tole on inferno's body.
    Inferno backed off and took a moment to get his breath. Inferno was tired and he'd never been in a fight that lasted as long as this one. The weird thing was that Inferno knew that if he hadn't had his armor. his fatigue would be far worse than it was now.
    Inferno looked across the training room to see how his opponent was dealing with the fatigue. Inferno was amazed to see that Ryo was barely tired at all. Inferno thought back to his fight with Crane and thought about that weird attck that was used on him. Inferno used what littled energy he had left and focused it into his armor. Inferno cried out as the chest pain he earlier had over took him. Inferno's hands heated up and he felt the power rise to his palms. Inferno thrusted his palms together simultaniously and to heat blasts were sent at Ryo. Ryo dodged one but the other hit him direct on. Inferno crashed to his knees and passed out.
    wow Ryo thought, Not even Shadow knew how to do that his first time sparring. My suspicioun was right, this boy is the one to save us. I just hope the other gaurdians will agree.
    Inferno woke up in another room of the training facility. He was in a small room with nothing but a bed and a window. Almost like a prison. Inferno opened up the door and walked out into the hallway. Cautiously he turned the corner and looked out into the next room. It seemed like the living room. There was a couch, a big television and a stereo system. Inferno walked around to the front of the couch to see Ryo passed out on it. Inferno turned and looked out a window that was faced towards the mountains. He looked out and began to recognize the wild life. The birds chirped as mom looked for food. among the mom on the ground, Three deer grazed. One a buck and the other two doughs. Maybe one was a fawn but it looked older than that. At the lake about thirty yards out Inferno watched a fish jump. The scene really was breath taking and Inferno couldn't help but grin at the scenery.
    "Beautiful isn't it?"
    Inferno turned around to see Ryo sitting up.
    "Yah i suupose it is." Inferno replied.
    "That's why i chose this location for a training facility. I see that and i realize that what i'm doing is worth all the trouble. Training you, fighting through the law holders, even going against the gaurdians to get the approval of you holding what little power is left on this world. That armor you hold is what will keep that scene the way it is. Don't fail. You're not doing this for me Inferno. You're doing it for what you see in front of you."
    There was a long silence between the two of them as they admired the wildlife.
    Inferno finally broke the silence with, "Let's get down to buisness."