• Opening
    “ What’s the big news that’s so important that I had to cancel my date?” she walks into Kassidy’s bedroom. “ What’s wrong with you?” she notices the happy-go-lucky look on her face and the sparkle in her brown eyes. “ I got tickets!” she bellows. “ To what?” Taylor says unenthusiastically. “ I got tickets to the Summer concert session this weekend!” she jumps up and down. “ Oh my god, you did! That is so awesome. Let me call Josh and tell him the date’s back on.” She takes out her sidekick. “ Wait you have to come. I have tickets to the after party.” She pleads. “ Kass.” “ Come on. It wouldn’t hurt for you to go with me. Who knows, you might meet a guy you like.” She gives her a sly smile. “Fine. But you owe me.” Kassidy jumps up and hugs her. “We’re going to the concert! We’re going to the concert!”