“Ace!” Megan shouted, snapping me out of my flash back. I looked around.
I and Megan were standing in front door, it was night out, a year later. Man, I got to get my head out of the past…
“What?! Oh, sorry, I wasn’t listening…what were you saying?” I asked.
She blushed and laughed. I threw in a nervous chuckle myself.
“God Ace, you never listen have the time. What’s on your mind anyway?” she asked.
She asks that a lot lately.
I shrugged, laughing, thinking of something to say.
“Um…the polar bears?” I asked back.
She laughed once more. I can do that fairly easily, even when I don’t try.
“Ace…why can you always make me laugh? That doesn’t matter now…I’ll just say what I said before…just…”
Then, like something from a crazy romance novel, she jumped to me. She threw her arms around my neck like a five year old girl to her dad, home from the war. She pressed her lips against mine.
At first I was surprised, even shocked. And with a werewolf, that wasn’t good. I had my hands on her hips, ready to push her back into the wall and bite her neck out. But once I realized there wasn’t any danger, my hands genially wrapped around to her back. I held her close to me.
She inched her head away, putting her ear on my shoulder.
“Ace…incase you weren’t listening again…I want to be more than friends.” She said softly.
The stars seemed to fall around us. The porch light’s movement censor didn’t pick up any movement, it flicked off. So there we were, in the dark. Everything seamed to spark around me, before I knew they were lighting bugs.
“Yeah…I heard that loud and clear…” I said.
We stood there, taking as much as each other as we could. Just…standing there…hearts opened, talking to each other…
“Ace…I wanted to kiss you ever since that day my father left me and my mom…that day, when I said I didn’t want you to go…I meant I never wanted you to go…” she said, pouring her heart out.
I held her even tighter. “I…never want to leave you either Megs…” I said.
She reached over and turned the door, opening it up.
“Ace, my parents are out of town…do you want to come in and…hang out?” she asked.
I raised an eye brow. Now I knew that this ‘hang out’, did not mean ‘hang out’. But I also knew that this ‘hang out’ did not mean ‘want to have sex?’.
Meg wasn’t like that. She liked taking things very, very slow. Her last boyfriend did the funniest break up. Oh my god it was funny…but I’m not going to tell what happen. Megan made me promise.
“And by hanging out, you mean…?” I asked, taking her in my arms again.
This felt…so right…
“I mean…” she bit her bottom lip, eyes rolling away from me with a huge smile. “I mean…I want to kiss you again…and again and so on…” she said, kissing my lips real quick, faster than I could register.
This is saying something. I was about to kiss her again, when I remembered something.
“Do you guys still have the pool table?” I asked.
She nodded, a little confused. Then it hit her. “Find, I’ll play a couple games, then I get to pick what we do…k?”
I nodded. I love pool. I mean…I guess I can say I love kissing Megan too, but I love pool a lot. And she knows it makes me happy.
All of a sudden, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Damn…stupid vampires…why now!? Megan was leading me in the house by the hand, which I now snapped back.
“Um…Meg, I can’t tell you now, but…I have to go.” I said.
She looked back, blinking. As if I just said those jeans made her butt look big. Just to clarify, I was kidding. It was a metaphor, she was wearing jogging shorts.
“What!? But we were, and we’d just-” she was babbling.
I threw my arms down. “I know, I know! If I it wasn’t important, I would be all over you-”
I froze. I looked up slowly. Megan was covering the smile she had with her hand, barely holding her laughing in. God…so stupid…
“Megan, I meant I would be all of the chance to…you know what? I don’t know what I’m talking about!” I said, smiling. “All I know I’m happy to be with you…I just can’t be with you right now…”
She smiled, lifting a red, sleeveless jacket with over sized holes were the sleeves would be attached. “You left this here last time you where here. It’s going to get cold, and I know this isn’t much but-”
I reached and took the jacket, kissing her on the cheek. “It’s perfect, but I have to go now…this is going to sound strange, but…I love you, see you later?” I asked, making sure that was right.
She nodded and smiled. “I love you too Ace, call me when you want to come over and play pool…ok?” she smirked.
I nodded, waving good bye and running down the drive way, out into the road. It started to rain, so I slowed to a walk, flipping my hood up. stupid rain, I’m going to-
A file shot a bullet hit the dirt hill next to me, a couple inches away from my head. Crap, D and D members. Ok, if they want me…they’re going to have to catch me.
I took of my shoes, throwing them into the woods. I began to Warp. My baggy gym shorts that I wore for track began to tightened, till they felt like tights against my fur. My jogging shirt was tight to begin with, so when I was fully Warped, it was torn in several places, so I reached up a hand and fished it, letting the cloth landing on the road. My jacket flapped freely, thanks to the holes I cut in it.
I had two slits in the hood too, for my ears. Megan asked about that occasionally. I just said because it looked cool. Witch reminds me, how am I going to tell her she just kissed a dog?
BAM! Bam! Bam, bam!
Where are they? I can’t tell…wait, a flash! There! Ok…I’ll take the long way, up the creek.
I jumped off the road, just in time for a car to just barley miss me. I’ll hear about that in the tabloids tomorrow. I step on something sharp, blood emitting from my foot now. I wasn’t worried about it. It didn’t slow me down, nor did I feel it. Werewolves are tough and heal quickly.
I saw sparks fly from bullets hitting the rocks in the creek. It curved, out of the range of the vampires firing at me, up a hill. I bounced of eat rock like a Billy goat trying to get to the last patch of grass.
When I got to the top, I jumped to a tree, my raptor claw sticking into the tree. I launched myself into the trees. I walked out to a branch, listening in on that they were saying.
“Damn! He’s gone! Now we go to look for another werewolf! God…D and D is not going to be happy about this…” one of them said.
Male. Dark gray, almost blue hair he had, with grey eyes and long, slender body. He looked twenty something. He had two pistols. A hit man.
“Shut up, he just ran to his pack. We’ll just fine another, it’s not big deal really Cab, your making a big deal out of nothing.” A woman said.
She looked around my age. Blond hair, blue eyes. That was strange in vampires, having Mortal color eyes. At least, I haven’t seen any with them. She had a rifle. Sniper.
“Shut up! Both of you! He might be planning a surprise attack. We maybe faster than werewolves, but we’re defiantly not stronger. That is the only thing they have against us really…no shh! He might be near…”
A taller, balder one said. He looked just the part of a old lab professor, glasses and all. He looked anything but a vampire. He had a shot gun. Body guard of the group. I crouched lower to hear them, and to get ready to pounce. Bad choice. The branch bended, letting out the mother of creaks.
They all shot at me. Only a couple hit me. Leg and arms. I dropped like a stone though. And I landed on.
“Damn, sliver bullets…” I said.
They all looked at me, speechless. The dark headed boy walked over to me. He kicked dirt as he walked. Making bits of mud of dirt splatter on me. The rain poured on me, like forgiving needles, washing the dirt out of wounds before they healed closed. I loved the rain.
A gun was aimed at right between my eyes. We looked at each other. My eyes kept blurring out and in from the rain, I had to blink a couple times too. And just if this scene couldn’t get better, lighting flashed just at the right time.
No thunder yet though.
“Ha, we knew werewolves were stupid, and we mean stupid, but we never thought one would pop up and try to ambush three strong, armed, deadly vampires. But hey, whatever will get the prey…”
He was going to pull the trigger, this I knew, so I acted. I swung my legs, tripping him. He fell back, shooting the professor with the shot gun in the heart. The girl acted too. She shot at me, the sniper rifle with the suppresser (or silencer) covering the sound of it firing.
Before she could have pulled the trigger, I was up and by her side. Bam! One switch chop to the neck, and it broke. Usually a kill, but for vampires, werewolves, goblins, and anything else, it’s just knocks them out-

- Title: Devilish pair.3
- Artist: bob199424
- Description: this is anouther part of one of my stories i'm working on. injoy!
- Date: 08/02/2009
- Tags: devilish pair3 werewolves vampires novelinthemaking
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