• In London there live two twin girls named Kaye and Alice LeLapinBlanc. These two girls are often called strange because of the way they dress and act. Alice always wears white and Kaye always wears black. The girls are often seen drifting through the forest near the town, but they never come into sight on the streets. Their father is also a very peculiar man always saying he would be killed one of these days. The funny thing is he never gives an answer why and always denies medical treatment at the local clinic. The three of them live in a modest brick town house with ordinary fashions on the outskirts of the town, near the forest.
    On April 1st 1886, while Alice and Kaye were still in bed, a mysterious fire began setting the gas stove alight with a small explosion. Alice heard the eruption and smelt the smoke. She woke up Kaye who was already somewhat awake. The two them ran to their father’s room dodging the flames that licked up the stairs, scorching the banister and walls. They bounded through the semi-open door and what they saw their stuck in their minds for the rest of their life. Their father wasn’t in his bed and the window was wide open. The draws sat completely empty and were scattered across the floor. The strange thing was, the only thing left was the furniture, but that would all be gone soon in the blazing inferno. Kaye turned her tear streaked face and caught a glance across a photograph; it was their late mother with their father. The two girls were also in the picture but they were still too young to remember her. Both girls ran out of the room and into the hall. They headed to the dumb waiter that was directly opposite their father’s room. The dumb waiter was larger than most dumb waiters, this was because their father was the one who built and designed the home just for them. They soared down three flights in the cramped space; both of them had to crunch their knees to fit. Suddenly, they made an abrupt stop. Bumped and bruised they rushed out the kitchen door and ran around the house using the large brick wall that they used for a fence. They jumped down from their high escape route. They looked up to see their home completely engulfed in flames. The only thing left was the foundation. As they watched the flames eat away at the wooden support beams they spotted something leaning against a tree about 10 meters away from the bonfire, of which was their house. As they walked closer they noticed that it was actually two stuffed rabbits. One was black the other white. In the laps of the two stuffed animals were notes addressed to them.
    Kaye picked up the note and began reading

    “Dear Kaye,
    This rabbit is a sign of great importance.
    In this note I am going to disclose a location in which you and your sister can go
    For safety. There you will find someone to help you on your journey.
    Take care of yourself and Alice.
    Love your father.
    P.S. Here is the place you and your sister should find
    . Go to “Cirque du Lune
    You will find someone to help you there he will explain everything.”

    As Kaye continued to ponder the letter, Alice lifted up the black rabbit and started to examine it. There were two things that made Alice question the stuffed rabbit: 1. it had a silver heart stitched into the ear and 2. The rabbit was holding two silver bobby pins with silver hearts for decoration.
    Alice sat down on the green, dew splattered grass. She laid the rabbit down beside her and thought about what Kaye and she next move. When she looked back at the rabbit, something had changed. It took Alice a few moments to realize that the paw of the rabbit was out stretched and revealing the pins. It looked as if the rabbit was telling her to take them.
    Alice slowly moved her hand toward the rabbit’s small prize. She plucked the pins out of the silky, black paw and places them on her bangs, strategically to keep them out of her eyes.
    Suddenly she felt an increase in pressure on her neck and felt an insistent tickle on her hands. She giggled for a few moments and then the changes stopped as soon as they had come. When she looked down at her hands she saw a pair of black silk gloves with a silver heart stitched on with a very delicate swirl pattern surrounding it. As she marveled at the complexity of the thread and cloth, Alice remembered the tightness she felt before and turned towards Kaye to ask her if she looked any different.