• The sun comes up later in the city then in the country or at least the buildings block out the sun for the most part. But in the end I was still awoken by a small feline who has more energy then the whole city. I moved out of the bed before Heartnet had a chance to strike again and went to the mirror on the wall with my brush I didn't know how I was going to accomplish pulling all my hair up like I used to without the help of my plant friend but I did the best I could but in the end I ended up with two braided buns that pulled up most of my hair and the rest of the braid lay lose on each side.

    I still had to do something about my dresses so I took my grey dress and with scissors the spider's thread I had left over I cut off the bottom till it reached just above my knees and put a hem in it with the leftover spider's silk then I cut off the sleeves and with the leftover material I made a collar. "This should do for now." I told myself then slipped into my grey dress then I thought about the girls from the other day and how their outfits were so elaborate and colorful then for the rest of the morning I sat by my window with my scarf tied around my head and made sketches of how to tailor my dresses as I watched the city girls go by.

    Eventually my brother got up and I jumped, realizing it was almost noon and I had nothing to eat all day so I quickly dashed out of my room and down the stairs to prepare something for my brother and I. 'and trust me going down the stairs with out a long dress on is much easier'. I fried up some eggs and bacon for my brother and made myself a sandwich before my brother was able to get downstairs. He seemed surprised that I had made breakfast for him it was clear he had forgotten what it was like to have a girl around the house. It wasn't until he had finished all of his eggs that he notice my dress, sighed, and then went back upstairs. I heard him go through his room, open the door, then head into my room I started to head upstairs when he came out with all my sewing supplies in his hands. "Father warned me about this." He said upset. “You aren’t allowed to sew anymore Sis; Father said it had to do with the Fae and you know how they are about that.”He also had a bag draped over one shoulder he put all of my sewing supplies on the table reached inside his bag and pulled out a full length, hooded, green, cloak. Tossed it over my head and told me to put it on, and then follow.

    The streets were full of people so I kept the hood up over my eyes following my brothers footsteps. many people greeted him throughout the streets he was a very popular person especially among the girls they always giggled when we past and few said a shy hello It took us a long time to get to our destination through the busy streets I herd a small ring of a bell then my brother pulled my arm into a quiet shop. I looked up and saw shelves and shelves of colored material. I was very confused and I looked for my brother to find out what was going on. But before I could ask any questions he walked up to the front counter and rang the bell, I hurried to catch up to him but a tall, slender, lady dressed in a pale, red, dress beat me there.

    "What may I help you with sir?" Asked the women in an odd tone of voice, clearly flirting with my brother. "I'm here to order a few dresses for my sister, before she tears up her wardrobe any further." The way my brother responded offended the tailor because he had ignored her attempts to woe him. "Very well, where is the girl?" The seamstress asked acting as if nothing had happened "Orla" my brother called, I slowly walked over to where they stood keeping my head down to avoid the glare of The seamstress "Hmm, leave the girl with us, and come back in an hour. We'll have what you ordered by the time your back." The seamstress whistled and I herd two people come through the door behind me. "Thank you" said my brother bowing "And I'll see you in and hour Orla." With those words my brother walked across the room and out the door before I could say a word in defiance.

    "Come on child." Said the seamstress, pushing me into the back room. "Mary, grab the measuring tape; Helen, fetch the scissors" Mary was a plump brunette dressed in scarlet and Helen, a petite, curly, blonde, girl in a sugar, pink Blouse and short skirt. The two were dashing about looking for the scissors and the measuring tape. I was stood in the middle of a room filled with cabinets filled to the brim with lace and trimmings. “You’ll have to take off your cloak in order for us to get your measurements Hun.” Called Mary from behind me I spun around to see her. “Your cloak Hun, take it off.” Mary held out her hand to receive my cloth sanctuary, I undid the tie at my chest and slowly shed away my green skin leaving me bare in the open.

    Mary stood staring at me for awhile before quickly hanging up my cloak and heading into another room calling for Helen. I looked into the nearest mirror; my hair was a mess from the hood and starting to fall apart. I undid the buns on my head looked back to the mirror. I seemed so awkward being something so bland and boring in a room filled with such color and riches. The seamstress stormed into the room with Mary and Helen at her heels.

    The seamstress took a good long look at me then raised an eyebrow. “Sorry for being such a mess.” I said fumbling over my words. She walked over to me and grabbed the measuring tape from Mary’s hands then wrapped it around my waist telling me to hold out my arms. Helen sat writing down things as the seamstress continued to take my measurements. Meanwhile Mary walked back into the front of the store then came back with an armload of colored material when The seamstress was done she told me to sit down in a chair by the door while they worked. They were hard workers never stopped moving around grabbing mannequins from another room then putting them back when the seamstress said to. When they finally found the mannequins they were looking for they started to pin fabrics onto them. It all looked like a mess but they seemed to know what they were doing but when the seamstress asked for a certain material no one could find it. After thoroughly searching the room they all went through separate doors leaving me alone.

    Time pasted and none had returned, I got up and examined what I believed to be a dress, but after circling around it I still could not make heads or tails from it. I didn’t think they would mind If I made a few adjustments, so I undid some pins, lengthened the forest, green, material, then found some lighter, green ,tied it around the middle, took away the yellow from the shoulders, then headed to the next one. By the time all three of them came back empty handed I had made a few changes to all three dresses.

    It was clear to see who had noticed the changes by the look on the seamstress’s face but anger turned to curiosity she slowly made her way around the mess of fabric, lace and trimmings spread across the floor to the dresses. “Mary, Helen” called the seamstress. “Yes ma’am.” they said in unison “Did any of you touch the dresses while I was away?” Said the seamstress turning to them “No ma’am.” they said in unison again.

    The seamstress turned to me and smiled “Did you change the dresses?” The smile on her face scared me and I quietly answered “Yes.” “Have you ever taken a class on sewing and design?” her smiled turned into confusion when I told her I hadn’t. “Then who taught you to design and sew?” she sounded somewhat upset. “My mother taught me to sew but only to mend things.” She stayed quiet for awhile in thought. “Seems you have a talent for this, what do you say coming to work for me as my assistant?” I was shocked but really happy at her offer but brother said I wasn’t allowed to sew anymore but this was a job. “You’ll have to wait for my brother to get back for your answer.”

    She questioned no further and set back to work with Mary and Helen, sometimes asking me how I wanted thing to look or what I wanted for trimmings. By the time Kailen had come back, everything was done and ready. I stood at the shop front as Kailen paid for the dresses when the seamstress asked “As for your answer, girl, will you come and work for me?” My brother was concerned by the question and asked what she was talking about. I told him about the offer. “If I had say then I would let you, but I’ll have to ask Father.” The seamstress bit her thumb. “How long will that take?” She asked. “About a day or two depending on the weather; our family lives pretty far into the country near the mountains.” Answered Kailen. “Can you wait that long?”

    “I supposed so, but your sister really has some talent there. Do you know where she learned to design clothing?” My brother seemed surprised. “I’ve known for awhile that she had a hobby of sewing doll sized clothes even though she never had any dolls.” “They weren’t doll clothes.” I argued. “Then what were they?” he asked. If I had said I was making clothes for the Fae, he would have been mad, so I stayed silent. “Well Orla?” He wanted an answer. “Friends.” I said, knowing that he knew I didn’t have any friends back home.
    He left the argument at that but I knew the topic would come up later on that night.