• It’s been three days since I’ve started volunteering at the Royal Institute. I was placed to help a little girl around 8years old, name Greta practicing her oral skills and it was no easy task. I would have to start a conversation about a specific subject and she had to be able to verbally interact with me. The first day didn’t go so well because I was nervous and she was shy, not the greatest combination if you ask me. All I was able to help her out with on the first day was related to introducing ourselves to each other and it took hours! By the third day she and I finally were able to interact better with each other and she was teaching how to fingerspell my name. No easy task and she even gave me homework! How can a child younger than me give me homework! At this I sighed because as I’m heading to room 2A I’m practicing finger spelling my name.
    “Y-u-r-r-i” I fingerspell my name
    “Ugh! That’s not it!” I yell in frustration as I go at it one more time
    “Y-u-u-r-i” Aha! Finally! I did it correctly and it only took, what thirty tries… Man I suck… I get a hold of the door knob and I open the door to see Great waiting for me on her seat.
    She must have heard the door open because she was facing me as she waves to let me know she is aware I’m in the room and I wave back at her with a smile on my face, “Hello Greta”.
    “Yuu—ri!” She calls as she runs towards me and glomps me as I catch her.
    I really grew fond of her for this past, what four days if I include today, and made me happy to hear that she is able to pronounce my name more fluently today.
    “Ok! Now should we start with today’s lesson?” I asked her and she just nodded in return as she took hold of my hand and took me to the table. It was a beautiful afternoon, but I felt sort of disappointed because I still haven’t seen Wolfram…
    I sigh out loud and it catches Greta’s attention because she quickly looks up to me. I just smile at her, “So where did we left of yesterday?” I ask her as I look over the lesson plan Gisela, the volunteer’s Leader and Coordinator, had left for me.
    “I guess because it’s Thursday, it’s more like a free day for us huh?” I tell Greta
    “Y-yea” she replies back.
    “So what did you have for lunch today?” I ask Greta as part of our oral interaction
    “ummm…” she starts as she gets her thoughts straighten out, “Pizza!” she says.
    “You?” She asks in return with no problem. I’m guessing that because ‘you’ has a long u sound to it makes it easier for her to say.
    I smile as I reply, “I had a sandwich”
    We then started conversing on things she did in class today to just how her friends were pulling a prank on one of the boys. We had so much fun and we laughed as well. We were so busy that we didn’t hear the door opening.
    “I see you are having fun today, Great, Yuuri”
    Greta and I both turn to find Gisela holding a tray with some pudding and orange juice coming towards us. She likes to bring the snacks to see how the student and the ‘teacher’ interact.
    “Y-yeah!” Greta happily replies.
    “I’m glad” Gisela replies with a caring and warm smile on her face as she placed the trait with our snacks on the table.
    “Well, I brought some Juice and Pudding for both of you, so do take a break and enjoy” Gisela signs and speaks at the same time as she turns to face us.
    Greta signs ‘thank you’ as I reply, “Thanks Gisela”. Gisela nods and leaves the room.
    Once we finish with our snacks Greta smiles at me this sneaky grin, which means it’s time for me to fingerspell, and I just swallow. She turns and faces me as she signs, ‘your name is…’ luckily I was able to practice asking that question as well as answering and so as I take a deep breath I sign, ‘My name…y-u-r-i’ and as soon as I’m done I smile because I feel proud of myself and I hear a giggle. I look to Greta who signs, ‘y-u-r-i’ and I realize I forgot a u! I place my hand in my forehead in desperation. This is frustrating!
    “A-gain” she tells me as we do this exercise one more time.
    ‘Your name is…’
    ‘my name, y-u-u’ I paused at the ‘u’ since I blank out and quickly recover and answer all over again, ‘my name, Y-u-u-r-i’ she shakes her hands in the air, which is their form of cheering and I smile. I answered my first question!
    “Y-yuuri!” she happily says my name, “Yes?” I answered
    “L-look!” she says with excitement as she goes to her bag and takes a drawing she did. I thought it was probably of me, but when I got a hold of it I saw Wolfram! Well it looked like him! I quickly glanced at her and back at the picture. Did she know him!
    “Greta!” I say with excitement. She looks attentively at me as she anticipates more, “how do you know Wolfram?!”

    “W-olf-rm?” she responds and I nod in agreement. I know that this conversation with her takes a lot more than usual because it has nothing to do with her present curriculum.
    “Ummm” she responds and she glances around the room. I assume is to find a way to interact with me and I just watch and wait until her next move. It does get frustrating when you can’t communicate well with others, whether is because of language or because like in my case you can’t sign. I have been pondering lately if maybe I should take sign language courses. Sure I haven’t been in this environment lately, but somehow I…

    “W-olf-rm” She starts, snapping me of my train of thoughts, and I look up to where she is now. Greta as soon as she realizes she has my full attention she then places her right hand on her chest which means, me or mine’, and then signs by using only her index fingers going up and down. I look puzzle since I really don’t know what she meant by it. She sighs and looks to the bookshelf were spots some paper and crayons and heads to get them. She soon heads back to where I am and writes the word friend.

    I nod in understanding. I want to ask her more but I can’t! It’s hard and frustrating at times to understand each other and now more than ever. I know Greta feels the same way and she just look up to me as she hears me sigh. I really need to be quieter when I sigh!

    “Y-yuuri” she calls to get my attention

    “Yeah?” I respond and look down at her and quickly she takes a hold of my hand and leads me out of the room.

    I know most of the rooms are in use because the doors are close so I just quietly let her lead me wherever it is she wants to take me. I hope is to Wolfram though…

    We soon make a left on one of the corners and she turns her head towards me as she places her index finger on her lips. I guess we are not supposed to be here… I really don’t think we should have left…When I was about to let her know that I changed my mind we stop by room 15B.

    “Greta?” I whispered as I kneeled down to her level, “Why are we here?”

    ‘My friend here’ she signs.

    “Ah, ok” I answered. I felt a little nervous at that moment. What was I going to say? ‘Hey Wolfram!’ or ‘Miss me?’ do I really want to see him that much! I was lost in thought that I had missed Greta opening the door. When I heard the sound of the room opening I quickly stand up and walk behind her and there in front of me stand, Wolfram…

    Wolfram must have heard the door opening because he glanced towards us and his eyes widen when he saw me. I didn’t know what to do so I did the first think that came to mind, I waved at him.

    Greta on the other hands ran towards him and glomp him the same way she did to me earlier in the afternoon.

    A glomp from Greta must be special because at that moment his expression was soft and caring. Parental I would say. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw both of them at that moment.

    Greta started to sign to Wolfram and then they both look towards me. I felt nervous at that moment since I figure she said something like, ‘Yuuri wanted to see you Wolf!’
    Greta giggled and signal for me to come towards me. Wolfram just ‘hmph’ and looked the other way as I headed to where they were standing. The room Wolf was in was pretty lonely… Not such a happy room, it had a window facing the courtyard, a roundtable with four chairs, a bookshelf, and a whiteboard with the sign language alphabet.

    “Ummm..” I started, “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again” I finish in a whisper… Wolfram must have heard me because he turns to look at me with slightly blushing cheeks. He looked so cute right then and there and I just wanted to do something! I really don’t know what, but something!

    He wanted to tell me something but as he opened his beautiful mouth he closed it, as if he had remembered he couldn’t speak… Greta looked at him with sad eyes, as if she knew something and then looked at me as if she wanted me to do something. And so I did the only thing I knew…

    I tap his shoulder to get his attention and I start signing as idiotic as I can do it, ‘My name, Y-u-u-r-i’ and I stop to see if he’s looking at me and I blush because I find that he is; even if he looks annoyed at that moment. Frankly at this moment I can careless since I know he’s paying attention and so I just decide to continue, ‘Your name what?’ I ask him.

    Once I’m done I see his expression change and sigh as in giving up and signs, ‘My name W-o-l-f-r-a-m, nice to meet you’ and as I look straight into his eyes where apparently I can lose myself in and I smile as I say the stupidest line ever! “Hi Wolfram” as I waved in a dazed. Greta must have thought we were acting pretty silly because she started giggling.

    Wolfram and I quickly looked to where Greta was at the same time and then we turned to look at each other, but as soon as our eyes met we turned opposite ways because of embarrassment since we were both blushing!

    Once the three of us settled in, Greta decided to start coloring near the window leaving Wolfram and me alone…

    “Ummm…” I start just to get his attention and he turns to look at me with glaring eyes that I just had to swallow hard making me turn away from him, but I discreetly glance to see what he was doing and saw that Wolf looked disappointed.

    Maybe he wanted to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to him, but we were lost in translation. I chuckle at the thought of translation since it quickly reminded me of a movie I watched. Guess this is how he felt…
    I turned to see what Greta was doing when it hit me! So I rose up from my seat and went to get some paper and crayons. Wolfram just watched as to see what I was doing and I just grinned. At this he quickly turned away and I pouted.

    I head back to the table and place the paper and crayons on the table and I write with a black crayon, ‘Hi wolfram! I’m Yuuri! And I would like to be your friend! ^_^’

    I pass the paper to Wolfram who looks at it kind of weirdly and chuckles and gets a hold of a blue crayon, ‘I know your name Wimp! -.-‘ and passes the paper back to me and thus we start having a conversation in our own way…

    ‘I’m not a wimp >_<’
    ‘Yeah, you are -.-‘
    ‘Ah Wolfram! C’mon! I just want to be friends with you ToT’
    ‘And why is that wimp -.-?’
    ‘Because >//>’
    ‘Because? -.-‘
    ‘Because I want to get to know you…’
    As Wolfram read the last thing I wrote he blushed and replied, ‘Oh…’ and turned to face me giving me the sweetest most beautiful smile I have ever seen making me want to badly to pull him and… yeah. We stared at each other for like forever! When I heard someone cough? Wait! Coughing? I look up to see someone standing behind Wolfram.

    Damn! This isn’t good! It’s the Bishonen!

    “It seems you’ve made a friend Wolfram” the bishonen says facing both of us with that suave smile that I really want to practice. Wolfram just grunts and faces the other way flustered.

    The bishonen then looks at me and calmly says, “Hello Yuuri…”

    I quickly stand up from where I was and bowed, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask permission to leave the room Mr. umm...” I apologized to Mr. Bishonen.

    “Conrad, Call me Conrad” He tells me with that charming smile of his and I smile back of course. You can’t resist that smile of his! Wolfram quickly stood from where he was and got a hold of my wrist as he yanked me towards him while he glaring at Conrad.

    Conrad just chuckled as he responded, “I’m not taking him away from you Wolfram” Wolfram and I just blush and he quickly let go of me. I felt sort of disappointed…

    “When I went with Gisela to see how Greta was progressing we entered an empty room, so Gisela and I decided to go look for both of you. As I was about to leave I saw a drawing which lead me to you” Conrad explained. Is he some sort of mind reader? I was about to ask him how he found us!

    “Ah…” I say as I scratched the back of my head.

    Conrad then turns to Wolfram and start signing making Wolfram ‘hmph!’ and sign in return. I felt sort of disappointed because I felt left out, or is it because I’m jealous…
    Wolfram turns to look at me and signs, ‘Bye Yuuri’ as he smiled at me and goes to where Greta is standing and gets a hold of her hand. I guess Conrad said it was time for them to go back… heh…
    “Would you like to come tomorrow Yuuri?” Conrad asks me. My face expression changes and my eyes widen with delight. I’m only supposed to be here for four days a week, but this!
    “Can I Conrad?” I ask to confirm.
    “Of course Yuuri, and don’t worry I will talk to Gunther and Mr. von Grantz as well.” I grinned at this. I’ll be able to see Wolfram tomorrow!
    “Oh wait!” I say
    “Yes Yuuri?”
    “Am I coming to work tomorrow or to...you know...” I can’t finish my sentence since I feel shy at the moment
    “You’re one of the first friends besides Greta that Wolfram has made since he got here…” Conrad mentions in understanding and as he spoke I watched his expressions changing, “and I thank you…” he finish saying in a gentle and thankful manner.
    He looked at his watch as he said, “Yuuri, I think it’s time for you to go”
    I look at my watch and notice that is almost 7!
    “Ah crap!” I say out loud
    “I mean, Oh shoot!” I quickly added.
    Conrad chuckled as he just so smoothly started walking out of the room with me following behind him, like a lost chick. Once we reach the outside of the volunteering center Conrad stops and turns to face me, “I’m sorry I can’t walk you out Yuuri, but I have to go see Wolfram about an incident that happened today” he mentioned.
    “Did he get in trouble again?” I asked a bit disappointed
    Conrad looks out the window as he whispered to himself, “He wasn’t always like this…” he look disappointed at that moment and I wanted to ask, ‘What happen?’ but I know it’s not my right… He quickly turned back to me as if he had just remember I was there, “Well I’ll see you tomorrow, Yuuri.”He graciously tells me and walks towards the stairs leading to the back yard.

    As I head out to the courtyard I feel as if I’m being watch and I turn to my left and to my right, but I don’t see anyone. I soon turn around and face the dormitory and I see Wolfram glancing towards me from his room I suppose. I wave and he waves back. I wish I knew how to sign so I could tell him ‘I’ll be back tomorrow!’, but I see him quickly walk away from the window.
    “Guess I’ll see him tomorrow” I say to myself as I head out of the Royal Institute
    It’s been three days since I’ve started volunteering at the Royal Institute. I was placed to help a little girl around 8years old, name Greta practicing her oral skills and it was no easy task. I would have to start a conversation about a specific subject and she had to be able to verbally interact with me. The first day didn’t go so well because I was nervous and she was shy, not the greatest combination if you ask me. All I was able to help her out with on the first day was related to introducing ourselves to each other and it took hours! By the third day she and I finally were able to interact better with each other and she was teaching how to fingerspell my name. No easy task and she even gave me homework! How can a child younger than me give me homework! At this I sighed because as I’m heading to room 2A I’m practicing finger spelling my name.
    “Y-u-r-r-i” I fingerspell my name
    “Ugh! That’s not it!” I yell in frustration as I go at it one more time
    “Y-u-u-r-i” Aha! Finally! I did it correctly and it only took, what thirty tries… Man I suck… I get a hold of the door knob and I open the door to see Great waiting for me on her seat.
    She must have heard the door open because she was facing me as she waves to let me know she is aware I’m in the room and I wave back at her with a smile on my face, “Hello Greta”.
    “Yuu—ri!” She calls as she runs towards me and glomps me as I catch her.
    I really grew fond of her for this past, what four days if I include today, and made me happy to hear that she is able to pronounce my name more fluently today.
    “Ok! Now should we start with today’s lesson?” I asked her and she just nodded in return as she took hold of my hand and took me to the table. It was a beautiful afternoon, but I felt sort of disappointed because I still haven’t seen Wolfram…
    I sigh out loud and it catches Greta’s attention because she quickly looks up to me. I just smile at her, “So where did we left of yesterday?” I ask her as I look over the lesson plan Gisela, the volunteer’s Leader and Coordinator, had left for me.
    “I guess because it’s Thursday, it’s more like a free day for us huh?” I tell Greta
    “Y-yea” she replies back.
    “So what did you have for lunch today?” I ask Greta as part of our oral interaction
    “ummm…” she starts as she gets her thoughts straighten out, “Pizza!” she says.
    “You?” She asks in return with no problem. I’m guessing that because ‘you’ has a long u sound to it makes it easier for her to say.
    I smile as I reply, “I had a sandwich”
    We then started conversing on things she did in class today to just how her friends were pulling a prank on one of the boys. We had so much fun and we laughed as well. We were so busy that we didn’t hear the door opening.
    “I see you are having fun today, Great, Yuuri”
    Greta and I both turn to find Gisela holding a tray with some pudding and orange juice coming towards us. She likes to bring the snacks to see how the student and the ‘teacher’ interact.
    “Y-yeah!” Greta happily replies.
    “I’m glad” Gisela replies with a caring and warm smile on her face as she placed the trait with our snacks on the table.
    “Well, I brought some Juice and Pudding for both of you, so do take a break and enjoy” Gisela signs and speaks at the same time as she turns to face us.
    Greta signs ‘thank you’ as I reply, “Thanks Gisela”. Gisela nods and leaves the room.
    Once we finish with our snacks Greta smiles at me this sneaky grin, which means it’s time for me to fingerspell, and I just swallow. She turns and faces me as she signs, ‘your name is…’ luckily I was able to practice asking that question as well as answering and so as I take a deep breath I sign, ‘My name…y-u-r-i’ and as soon as I’m done I smile because I feel proud of myself and I hear a giggle. I look to Greta who signs, ‘y-u-r-i’ and I realize I forgot a u! I place my hand in my forehead in desperation. This is frustrating!
    “A-gain” she tells me as we do this exercise one more time.
    ‘Your name is…’
    ‘my name, y-u-u’ I paused at the ‘u’ since I blank out and quickly recover and answer all over again, ‘my name, Y-u-u-r-i’ she shakes her hands in the air, which is their form of cheering and I smile. I answered my first question!
    “Y-yuuri!” she happily says my name, “Yes?” I answered
    “L-look!” she says with excitement as she goes to her bag and takes a drawing she did. I thought it was probably of me, but when I got a hold of it I saw Wolfram! Well it looked like him! I quickly glanced at her and back at the picture. Did she know him!
    “Greta!” I say with excitement. She looks attentively at me as she anticipates more, “how do you know Wolfram?!”

    “W-olf-rm?” she responds and I nod in agreement. I know that this conversation with her takes a lot more than usual because it has nothing to do with her present curriculum.
    “Ummm” she responds and she glances around the room. I assume is to find a way to interact with me and I just watch and wait until her next move. It does get frustrating when you can’t communicate well with others, whether is because of language or because like in my case you can’t sign. I have been pondering lately if maybe I should take sign language courses. Sure I haven’t been in this environment lately, but somehow I…

    “W-olf-rm” She starts, snapping me of my train of thoughts, and I look up to where she is now. Greta as soon as she realizes she has my full attention she then places her right hand on her chest which means, me or mine’, and then signs by using only her index fingers going up and down. I look puzzle since I really don’t know what she meant by it. She sighs and looks to the bookshelf were spots some paper and crayons and heads to get them. She soon heads back to where I am and writes the word friend.

    I nod in understanding. I want to ask her more but I can’t! It’s hard and frustrating at times to understand each other and now more than ever. I know Greta feels the same way and she just look up to me as she hears me sigh. I really need to be quieter when I sigh!

    “Y-yuuri” she calls to get my attention

    “Yeah?” I respond and look down at her and quickly she takes a hold of my hand and leads me out of the room.

    I know most of the rooms are in use because the doors are close so I just quietly let her lead me wherever it is she wants to take me. I hope is to Wolfram though…

    We soon make a left on one of the corners and she turns her head towards me as she places her index finger on her lips. I guess we are not supposed to be here… I really don’t think we should have left…When I was about to let her know that I changed my mind we stop by room 15B.

    “Greta?” I whispered as I kneeled down to her level, “Why are we here?”

    ‘My friend here’ she signs.

    “Ah, ok” I answered. I felt a little nervous at that moment. What was I going to say? ‘Hey Wolfram!’ or ‘Miss me?’ do I really want to see him that much! I was lost in thought that I had missed Greta opening the door. When I heard the sound of the room opening I quickly stand up and walk behind her and there in front of me stand, Wolfram…

    Wolfram must have heard the door opening because he glanced towards us and his eyes widen when he saw me. I didn’t know what to do so I did the first think that came to mind, I waved at him.

    Greta on the other hands ran towards him and glomp him the same way she did to me earlier in the afternoon.

    A glomp from Greta must be special because at that moment his expression was soft and caring. Parental I would say. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw both of them at that moment.

    Greta started to sign to Wolfram and then they both look towards me. I felt nervous at that moment since I figure she said something like, ‘Yuuri wanted to see you Wolf!’
    Greta giggled and signal for me to come towards me. Wolfram just ‘hmph’ and looked the other way as I headed to where they were standing. The room Wolf was in was pretty lonely… Not such a happy room, it had a window facing the courtyard, a roundtable with four chairs, a bookshelf, and a whiteboard with the sign language alphabet.

    “Ummm..” I started, “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again” I finish in a whisper… Wolfram must have heard me because he turns to look at me with slightly blushing cheeks. He looked so cute right then and there and I just wanted to do something! I really don’t know what, but something!

    He wanted to tell me something but as he opened his beautiful mouth he closed it, as if he had remembered he couldn’t speak… Greta looked at him with sad eyes, as if she knew something and then looked at me as if she wanted me to do something. And so I did the only thing I knew…

    I tap his shoulder to get his attention and I start signing as idiotic as I can do it, ‘My name, Y-u-u-r-i’ and I stop to see if he’s looking at me and I blush because I find that he is; even if he looks annoyed at that moment. Frankly at this moment I can careless since I know he’s paying attention and so I just decide to continue, ‘Your name what?’ I ask him.

    Once I’m done I see his expression change and sigh as in giving up and signs, ‘My name W-o-l-f-r-a-m, nice to meet you’ and as I look straight into his eyes where apparently I can lose myself in and I smile as I say the stupidest line ever! “Hi Wolfram” as I waved in a dazed. Greta must have thought we were acting pretty silly because she started giggling.

    Wolfram and I quickly looked to where Greta was at the same time and then we turned to look at each other, but as soon as our eyes met we turned opposite ways because of embarrassment since we were both blushing!

    Once the three of us settled in, Greta decided to start coloring near the window leaving Wolfram and me alone…

    “Ummm…” I start just to get his attention and he turns to look at me with glaring eyes that I just had to swallow hard making me turn away from him, but I discreetly glance to see what he was doing and saw that Wolf looked disappointed.

    Maybe he wanted to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to him, but we were lost in translation. I chuckle at the thought of translation since it quickly reminded me of a movie I watched. Guess this is how he felt…
    I turned to see what Greta was doing when it hit me! So I rose up from my seat and went to get some paper and crayons. Wolfram just watched as to see what I was doing and I just grinned. At this he quickly turned away and I pouted.

    I head back to the table and place the paper and crayons on the table and I write with a black crayon, ‘Hi wolfram! I’m Yuuri! And I would like to be your friend! ^_^’

    I pass the paper to Wolfram who looks at it kind of weirdly and chuckles and gets a hold of a blue crayon, ‘I know your name Wimp! -.-‘ and passes the paper back to me and thus we start having a conversation in our own way…

    ‘I’m not a wimp >_<’
    ‘Yeah, you are -.-‘
    ‘Ah Wolfram! C’mon! I just want to be friends with you ToT’
    ‘And why is that wimp -.-?’
    ‘Because >//>’
    ‘Because? -.-‘
    ‘Because I want to get to know you…’
    As Wolfram read the last thing I wrote he blushed and replied, ‘Oh…’ and turned to face me giving me the sweetest most beautiful smile I have ever seen making me want to badly to pull him and… yeah. We stared at each other for like forever! When I heard someone cough? Wait! Coughing? I look up to see someone standing behind Wolfram.

    Damn! This isn’t good! It’s the Bishonen!

    “It seems you’ve made a friend Wolfram” the bishonen says facing both of us with that suave smile that I really want to practice. Wolfram just grunts and faces the other way flustered.

    The bishonen then looks at me and calmly says, “Hello Yuuri…”

    I quickly stand up from where I was and bowed, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask permission to leave the room Mr. umm...” I apologized to Mr. Bishonen.

    “Conrad, Call me Conrad” He tells me with that charming smile of his and I smile back of course. You can’t resist that smile of his! Wolfram quickly stood from where he was and got a hold of my wrist as he yanked me towards him while he glaring at Conrad.

    Conrad just chuckled as he responded, “I’m not taking him away from you Wolfram” Wolfram and I just blush and he quickly let go of me. I felt sort of disappointed…

    “When I went with Gisela to see how Greta was progressing we entered an empty room, so Gisela and I decided to go look for both of you. As I was about to leave I saw a drawing which lead me to you” Conrad explained. Is he some sort of mind reader? I was about to ask him how he found us!

    “Ah…” I say as I scratched the back of my head.

    Conrad then turns to Wolfram and start signing making Wolfram ‘hmph!’ and sign in return. I felt sort of disappointed because I felt left out, or is it because I’m jealous…
    Wolfram turns to look at me and signs, ‘Bye Yuuri’ as he smiled at me and goes to where Greta is standing and gets a hold of her hand. I guess Conrad said it was time for them to go back… heh…
    “Would you like to come tomorrow Yuuri?” Conrad asks me. My face expression changes and my eyes widen with delight. I’m only supposed to be here for four days a week, but this!
    “Can I Conrad?” I ask to confirm.
    “Of course Yuuri, and don’t worry I will talk to Gunther and Mr. von Grantz as well.” I grinned at this. I’ll be able to see Wolfram tomorrow!
    “Oh wait!” I say
    “Yes Yuuri?”
    “Am I coming to work tomorrow or to...you know...” I can’t finish my sentence since I feel shy at the moment
    “You’re one of the first friends besides Greta that Wolfram has made since he got here…” Conrad mentions in understanding and as he spoke I watched his expressions changing, “and I thank you…” he finish saying in a gentle and thankful manner.
    He looked at his watch as he said, “Yuuri, I think it’s time for you to go”
    I look at my watch and notice that is almost 7!
    “Ah crap!” I say out loud
    “I mean, Oh shoot!” I quickly added.
    Conrad chuckled as he just so smoothly started walking out of the room with me following behind him, like a lost chick. Once we reach the outside of the volunteering center Conrad stops and turns to face me, “I’m sorry I can’t walk you out Yuuri, but I have to go see Wolfram about an incident that happened today” he mentioned.
    “Did he get in trouble again?” I asked a bit disappointed
    Conrad looks out the window as he whispered to himself, “He wasn’t always like this…” he look disappointed at that moment and I wanted to ask, ‘What happen?’ but I know it’s not my right… He quickly turned back to me as if he had just remember I was there, “Well I’ll see you tomorrow, Yuuri.”He graciously tells me and walks towards the stairs leading to the back yard.

    As I head out to the courtyard I feel as if I’m being watch and I turn to my left and to my right, but I don’t see anyone. I soon turn around and face the dormitory and I see Wolfram glancing towards me from his room I suppose. I wave and he waves back. I wish I knew how to sign so I could tell him ‘I’ll be back tomorrow!’, but I see him quickly walk away from the window.
    “Guess I’ll see him tomorrow” I say to myself as I head out of the Royal Institute