• "I hear something stirring to your right, NightStalker. It smells.." Ghostwalker sniffs the air, "it smells like those wolves we're trying to find."

    "Well, let them come out. They will be able to find out more if they talk to us face to face, rather than tracking us." Nightstalker said, sitting down calmly. She wasn't scared. She accepted the waiting that would come.

    Ghostwalker sat alongside her sister. Pretty soon, she fell asleep beside her black furred sibling. When she awoke, they were surrounded by at least twenty wolves. She scrambled to her paws, trying to get on level ground with the pack.

    "What are two pups doing so far away from their mother?" a grizzle-faced wolf snarled, teeth bared.

    "Our mother was killed on a hunt. Most of our pack passed along with her." Nightstalker replied, solemnly confronting the old wolf.

    "Then why are you here, in our forest? Why aren't you with the remains of your pack?" The grizzled wolf demanded.

    "We were brought from our home forest up in the northern part of he world. We didn't know where we were, or where to turn. We followed your scent here." Nightstalker could smell the old timer's hostility, and his authority. He was the pack leader.

    "Sister, I think we should leave. They obviously don't need any more pack members." Ghostwalker was nervous. She had never seen so many wolves in her six months of life, and it was a bit scary.