• Prologue:

    If you like happy stories then whatever you do don't read these stories! They're full of death sadness and so it's not all depressing a little romance.
    Well in a time after our own we have had so many technology advancements that some people say we will lose are world to everything we've worked so hard to achieve, but I didn't believe it! See when i was younger i had a pet who died and because of our advancements we were able to clone him without him having anything different about him. The only thing was my dad said he didnt want to clone him because he was just one of those people who believed the impossible.

    By the time we got my dad to agree to let us clone my dog it was almost to late because his organs and brain were almost completely shut down. That's probably what made me start to think about how my dad was with cloning and how all of this started!

    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    Once upon a time in a magical kin- What am I talking about this isn't a happy story and it takes place in the future not in the past! Well now that we got that out of the way lets begin the real story.

    It was a bright and sunny day but it wasn't gonna be like that for long because in the distance I could see dark clouds coming our way. I ran inside the house and looked at the news to see if it was supposed to rain or not. "Folks I have no clue what is happening out by 68th street but there has been nothing on the radars showing this coming and it looks like it's pretty bad, we're sending out people now to find out what is happening" says the T.V. reporter.

    'Great it's the first day of summer vacation and its going to rain' i think, but little did I know it was going to get a lot worse! We'll talk about that later though for now lets get back to whats happening. The T.V. reporter comes back on "OH MY GOD if anyone lives anywhere near 68th street you need to evacuate to your nearest evacuation station" 'oh my god whats happening'

    "Since we know most people won't leave unless they know whats happening we have to tell you whats happening theres been an escape from prison, I can't tell you the names of them but they have invented some kind of machine that could kill anyone on conta-" the T.V. reporter falls to the ground dead. "Now if we see anyone outside of their house or heading to an evacuation station they will end up like this reporter, but if you stay inside you will live." The T.V. station goes out and a message comes up that reads 'STAY INSIDE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE BUT IF YOU WANT TO DIE FEEL FREE TO WALK OUTSIDE!'

    I run to tell my parents whats happening but my dog stops me and growls "its ok buster its only me katie" I tell him but he wont let me through.....

    Chapter 2: The Murders

    Now where did we leave off oh yes thats right when my dog- I mean clone dog was growling at me. Well just to tell you im not going to die yet so don't worry because hes not even growling at me those escaped prisoners that were out just happened to be right outside.

    "Its ok Buster they won't hurt us as long as we stay inside" or so I thought because at the almost exact same time I said that we heard a door being broke in next door and screaming. "Oh my god, come on Buster we got to get mom and dad and leave before they get-" i was interupted by shooting behind our house and more screams.

    "You're not going anywhere little missy" someone said from behind me, i turned around and saw billy my best friend behind me on a laser spear with one of the escapees next to him!

    "What have you done to him" i screamed "he didn't do anything to you" I start to run after him when he pull a gun on me.

    "You move at all and I'll shoot" he says but i notice a tear in his eye.

    "Are you crying" I ask him, then he turns his gun towards my dog and shoots him in the stomach "BUSTER" I yell while I jump towards Buster which although it sounds stupid to do it saves my life because a man shoots from behind me and he kills the first man.

    "You'll pay for that girl" he spits at me, he raises his gun and levels it at my head "die!" I duck just in time to miss yet another fatal wound, I start to run to the window when I see another man outside who yells at me to lay down on the ground. I slowly get down on the ground like he says and they tie up my hands and throw me in their hovercraft where there is another kid who looks very familiar to me.

    Chapter 3: The Love!

    I know you've been waiting for this next chapter so here it is hope you enjoy!

    "Wh-wh-where are you ta-ta-taking us" I ask the person in the back with us.

    "Shutup" he spits at me "talk with that boy over there or something just leave me alone!"

    "Hi my names Ka-Ka-Katie whats yours?" I ask the boy

    "My name is Edward and why are you stuttering?" he asks me

    "Im afraid I might get shot" I tell him

    "Wow you actually think there gonna shoot us?" He asked.

    "Why wouldn't they I mean they're criminals they dont have anything to lose" I tell him

    "Now that you mention it I am kind of wondering what they're going to do with us once we get to thier hideout" he says

    "Well i don't want to stick around and find out" I say as I pull my hands free of the rope (I cut it with my grandfathers old army knife), grab the guys gun, and shoot him in the head. Luckily their was a wall between us and the driver so he didn't know we had just killed his friend. "Come on lets get out of here" I say as i cut him free and open up the back of the truck.

    "I'm not jumping out of a moving vehi-" the driver hits a bump and we're thrown out the back of the van.

    "Fine you didn't jump out you were thrown out" I tell him wondering why he looked so big and bad but acted like a preppy kid. We started to walk back the way we came with the help of my watch wich has a built-in map. Don't ask me how but while we were walking I fell in love with him, but I think he doesn't like me.

    "Are we there yet" he asks.

    "Oh don't start that crap" I warn him.

    "Sorry" he says. When we stop to take a break he seems kind of jumpy.

    "Why are you so jumpy?" I ask him.

    "Well I have to ask you something" he says. "I was wondering, do you like me?" He asks.

    "Are you asking me out?" I ask.

    "Yes" he answers.

    "YES" I yell and I hug him. "I can't believe it took you this long to ask were almost home" I say.

    "Sorry about that" he says "I was just kind of sh-" he gets cut off by an engine in the distance.......They're coming back!