• one day clark kent was walking home from work and some fat girl suddenly tackled him and grabbed a sledge hammer and he got his powers ready and found out that that wasnt a girl, it was a very fat veersion of, batman, bum bum bum.it was was fat verses buff so then clark grabbed a laser beam ready to kill any body who dresses up as batman, suddenly a kid came in im batman he said. then he lasored the kid in the heart
    and he started bulging and he blew up with apple juice inside. the mom ran out of the house like mad and with her cellphone she called the police and then a lawyer and she wanteed to sue him then batman( also known as fatman) ran away. he got taken to court and the judge was fatman(surprisingly)so then clark ripped his shirt to shreads and pulled out his lasor beam and bubbled everyone with applejuice. he ran to fatman snapped his neck and lived his life as an assasin. he slit the throats of anyone who got in his way.[