• Chapter One: How it all happend...

    Every week people said good-bye to their loved ones, to their simple belongings and to the life they knew was changed. All thanks to a few simple dots. Your best friend died while a few moments ago she was standing next to you. You saw newborn children die in their mother's arms. All thanks to a few simple dots. This is the world we live in now even though a few years ago everyone lived a normal life...All thanks to a few simple dots...
    It started in the earlier part of the year 2012, when people were in a panic because they said the world was going to end in December. But a scientist said other wise. He came up with some statistics that said the world will overpopulate and wars will break out over land. He sent that to the president at the time, but the president which was to overcome by fear for the land he ran now. He was impressed by the stats that the scientist came up with that he hired him.
    Three years later in 2015 the scientist spoke up again and said if the president didn't listen to him then the world will start to see the effects of the overpopulation. People would start to fight over land. Again the president shook him off. But soon enough small wars were breaking out in the smaller countries.
    The president saw that the scientist was correct and asked him for advice on what he could do to keep the United States from fighting. The scientist had already come up with a system called Death's Orginal Tracking System or better known as D.O.T.S. The president tried out the idea and was amazed by the results. Soon enough the rest of the world followed the United States example.
    In a surprising turn of events the scientist shot the president and took over the United States. Now instead of killing off the world once a month he shortend the time to once a week. With control of the D.O.T system he took the world hostage, and now the world lives in fear of trying to live though Friday.