• The one thing that bothered me most was the funereal. The reason it did is because there wasn't one.
    I looked down upon the boy that killed me. Yes, it was true I had paid him to do it, but only because I thought it would take away the pain.
    My name is, correction, was Autumn. My birth day was in December. My hair was black, my face pale, my mouth quiet. Not a single person, besides the nurses of course, new my real name at the "Home for Troubled Teens" as it was called.My hell on earth. I was called Goth Girl because of how I looked and acted.
    So, as I sat on the ledge of a building, as an undead being, I watched the boy who had taken my life with a metal fork from dinner. No one thought it was him, just asumed suicide. After the nurses read my diary they confirmed it.
    The boy was walking to shcool. He was an un diagnosed psychopath that had escaped my hell shortly after my death. He was enjoying his life I see.
    I followed him into his homeroom, deciding it was time for a little mischief. I unscrewed the bolt on his desk, unseen of course, and waaited for him to sit down. When he did, he landed flat on the floor. A warning was delivered by his teacher.
    As the tests were turned in and everyone left, I searched through the pile for his. Jacob Clark. Lovely cover name, Ethan Bridgington. I took a pen from the cup and made a few "adjustments" to his test. Wonderful

    A week or so later I was perched on my usual spot, waiting for Jacob to walk into the school. I waited for three hours after the first bell and gave up. I lay there wondering where my plaything had gone.
    I didn't realize I had fallen asleep untill I woke up to the sound of someone saying my name.
    "Wake up Goth Girl" said Jacob,correction, ghost Jacob with a knife,
    "Wha-What?" I said completely stunned.
    "You drove me to suicide, so i'm undoing my favor. Goodbye, Goth Girl!"
    With that he stabbed me, sending me back to my human body that had been shoved in a basement. A hot basement. But when I heard that evil laugh, I knew where I really was.