• It all started out when a boy named Phillip stumbled across a strange odject with insignia's of Fire,Metal,Dragon, and Feline. As he saw these odd shaped spheres glow around the cave he grabbed them and put them in his napsack. He realized as soon as he touched the feline skin he started to change and become different grow fur, and clawsand started to act like a cat. He ran down the hill back to his bus which was to take him home, he covered up his skin from head to toe. An hour in to the bus ride home he showed his friend the spheres,they eached grabbed one and started to change,Bobby grabbed the fire insignia sphere and changed into heating magma,Jack grabbed the dragon sphere and his skin changed to scales, they freaked as well did everyone else.
    They hopped off the bus and started walking home trying ot figure this out.They could not and never returned to there homes, they returned to the cave to live there lives out there.