• Chaprter 3 Farie Travels

    The ride was long and rough I had to continually hold my suff down from falling out but then my father had to hold me down so I didn't fall off either I could feel the city before I saw it everything seemed so hurried nothing was slow as we came closer to the gates that would lock up my life forever like a prison traffic became busier and I tied a scarf around my head to hide myself I hated being in public I always got odd stares

    City life is so fast it dosn't seem to live at all, just move. The streets were filled with shops and people, all of whom I didn't want to have any eye contact with. I watched the cobbled road pass by under my feet that were hanging off the rear end of the cart, I could hear everything and nothing, as we moved through the streets to my brother's house. The cart stopped and I looked up. We were on a narrow street packed with people. I heard my brother's voice at the front of the cart along with father's who had gotten off the cart when we stopped.

    I stood up and streached. I herd some girls giggle and looked in that direction, a small group of girls around my age were sitting at a table across the street from the cart. A few were pointing at me I looked to see what they were laughing at then I noticed my plain blue dress's skirts were dirty from travel and a lot longer and duller than their bright, colorful, shorter, skirts. Quickly enough their laughing stopped, and they all blushed bright, red, and looked down. "Don't mind them." Came a deep, familar voice. I turned around to see Kailen right behind me. "Brother!" I shouted so he could hear my small voice over the noise of the crowd.

    My brother was a charming, young man thick, dark, brown, hair with golden highlights; Deep blue eyes; And a tall build. He snatched up my scaf from my head and waved it above me just like he used to when we were little. "Still hiding, I see." But I was able to stand on the cart and get hold of my scarf, so now it was a game of tug of war. Right when brother was about to tickle me to let go, father yelled at the both of us. We both stood up strait and still while father told us to, grab what we could, and head to my new room.

    There was a small window on the left wall, showing the street below, I had a second floor room. It was a first for me to be up so high and not be in a tree. "Orla," Called Kailen. "Coming." I said back, I rushed after him through the door and down the stairs, tripping on my skirts the whole way down. Warren sighed at my desent after him, then mumbled something about someone named Drake. It was a little after nightfall when father left, I had already said my goodbyes earlier when all of my stuff had been unpacked, which went much faster than packing it this morning. But father insisted on talking to my brother about something private downstairs. So I was left to tidy up my things alone, it seemed so bare without the plant in the windowsill or the other flowers and herbs outside.