• demon slayer x

    It was a calm night the moon was at full it was silent and the way the moon hit the lake made it glow.most people would fing this a calm setting but in a small village there was a family of 3 everything was not normal there and most certintly not calm. From 2 houses down you could hear nosies comming from it.

    The village chief came up to see what was all the noise. As he was about to knock on the doorblam. the door flew of the henges and a giant ball of fire hit the chief and instantly he was disiergrated.

    then the roof blew of the house and a demon lept into the air shooting fire out of his mouth. all the people who were hit died no if ands or buts.

    the village was gone nothing was left exept a boy around 5 he was the only one left. he is also the main charecter of this story. the demon walked slowly up to the boy and he reached his hand back which ad razor sharp claws and swang it at him. then in a flash tatoos formed on the boys body. the demon stoped and screamed the mark of the demon king.

    then boy eye turned black. then a scythe apperared out of no where. the little boy grabbed it and for a instant his strength grew 1000 more power full then the demons. It was like he was possesed he took it lept into the air. the demon started to run but before he got away the boy used the scythe to cut the head so perfectly the part that was connected to the body was cleanly cut and was smooth.

    the boy fell unconsious but then something happeded there was a second survivor. she also was the boys best friend her name was raya."wake up ven wake up" she said.