• Its never good to hear the scream of a team member, but, after about four seconds no one would ever have to hear that scream again. Like me,she fell.Unfortunetly,the trooper didin't pick her up. Gloria was the closest friend I had, and now, she was gone forever. As I ran toward the edge of the bank to see what happened,even though I knew but couldent own up to it, to see if by the slightest chance,Gloria lived. No, she did not live. Covered in a blind rage,fury,depression,and fear for my own live, all at the same time, I ran. I didin't run for the package or for the trooper who could have easily picked her up and saved her life, no. I just ran. As fast,hard,and loud as i could ever possibly run. If you ever think about it, running is a vary relaxing exercise, but, when you just watched your closest friend die while trying to fix your mistake, it's not so relaxing. I thought of all of the possible places i could go. The base? No. The safehouse? No. but after about 30 seconds of contemplating the outcomes of all possible situations of all possible places to go, i had only one safe place to go. The country.