• I'm Looking Out the tinted windows. My mother staring at me with Her warm Hand On the top of My weak and Unbearable shoulders. Not staring back. The black door of my fathers opening to a picture of the man I will be staying with him for the rest of my life. Looked back at my mother. Her gently smile and Her brown eyes. My mother giving me a soft kiss on my cheek.

    "I love you."

    Giving Her a calming smile. My arms reached out and Gave Her the big Hug, that I never wanted to end.Staring at Her Once More Replying

    "I love U."

    Jumping Up to a Big Knock On my window. Twisted My little head to see the Big Muscular Man smiling.My mom tapping on my shoulder to roll down the window. Not wanting to, But I still pushed down the down button to roll down the window Of this Unfamiliar man, That they call my Birth Father.

    " So how's my little Man Doing, Happy to See me!" My father said happily to finally see his son He always wanted to see for the past 10 years.

    Staring blankly, Confused and Scared to even talk. But i managed to say

    " Doing Fine." I said quietly

    Getting Out the car. Turned back at my mother with my book bag on my shoulder smiling . Seeing the tears roll down her cheek. My smile instantly turning in to a dreadful frown. Wanting to just go back in the car and Tell my mother to drive Back. I don't even know what I'm doing Here at My fathers. Which Makes me even more scared and Curious. Turning at my father, opening the truck Of my mom's station wagon.Took out the suitcases and plumped them down the the hard and bumpy side walk . Walking toward me. I was so scared, that I just closed me eyes and wondered. Put I felt a small breeze of air turn to the right on me. Opening One eye, seeing my father go towards the car and go into the passenger seat. I just stared. I couldn't hear the conversation, But I did See my father give my mother a lovely kiss on the lips for about 30 seconds and they hugged and gave one more soft kiss. He got out the car and waved. My mother was balling now. Her tears were to much to handle. She really didn't care. She let them all out. I ran to the station wagon giving her one more hug and a kiss on the cheek. Getting out of the Car giving her a wave. She waved back and got out of the parking space and drove down Do'lingo Road. I stepped into the House. The White wallpaper was starting to rip off. Showing the Brown and dirty pavement. The couch had food stains on them and The fragrance wasn't that good smelling. it smelled like something died in there. All I kept wondering was I wanna Go Back to Mama's house. With Her fragrance smelling like flowers and always something cooking on the stove. Her Purple wallpaper and soft blue carpet will always get U in a cool Mode. But in my father's house, It just made u Fell like U wanna kill somebody. Which Made me even More unsafe then I thought I was. My father coming toward me, but this time there was nothing Here but me. He sat at the edge of his chair and said

    'Rule number one of Being a Man, ... Responsibility. So Go Do the Dishes."

    I went into the kitchen and did the dishes. I didn't feel like it. But I didn't want to start it off with a bad expression. I finished the dishes and went upstairs to my room that Said
    Terrance's Room. I saw my bags and everything on my floor. I dropped my book bag next to my suitcase and dropped myself on my bed that seemed kinda comfortable.My eye caught something on my bed. It said Diary. The Blue cover that was silky and needled in it Love with stamps and a magnet to close my Dairy. I opened it up to the first page. I saw my mothers pretty handwriting in red ink on the back of the cover. I sat back On my Pillow with my Dairy in my Hands. Reading the Red paragraph that covered my back page Out loud.

    " Hello Honey Pumpkin, I hope your already having a Blast at you fathers. Well, I know that You Are wondering why Is this Beautiful Dairy sitting on my bed. I bought U this Diary. But the soft silky Cover Is what I knitted for u. U Can Put Ur Tips and Rules from Ur father in this Diary. So, when U need help In a situation or any other kind of problem, Just come and read ur Tips and Rules. Just Remember That I love u very Much. Do this for me. Try! Just Try!

    Sincerely - Your Heart warming mother