• Hey, this is the chapter number four... maybe you should read the past chapter to ujnderstand this one... LINK


    You know Seth... you should be proud of youself

    Seth: Shut up Narrator, I don't want to talk now...

    I mean, you actually saw Ari... half... you know...

    Seth: It was an accident...

    Yeah right... an accident... but at least she is cool right? She is not angry with you...

    Seth: I don't know man... but I think is not a good idea for me to go the prom...

    You are kidding right? It will be awesome... If I am lucky maybe she will kill you in a bloddy rampage

    Seth: I am sure that will be my best destiny

    That is the spirit, be possitive...

    Seth: Oh gawd...

    °°°°°°°°°°°°°°in the prom°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

    Well Seth here we are... the prom... looks nice...

    Seth: Oh I don't want to die... I am not ready...

    Oh come on, don't be a girl...

    Seth: But what abaout Ari?

    She will probably already forgive you....

    Ari: ummm...

    Seth: Ahhhhh sorry, sorry, sorry, don't kill me...

    Ari: Ummm just let... let it go... it doesn't matter... I forgive you...

    Seth: Ummm really?

    Ari: Yes... but don't tell anyone...

    Seth: What about... you know... the narrator...?

    Ari: Well he must know... you know... he is the narrator...

    Seth: Right... so no problem?...

    Ari: Yeah... no problem...

    Good now go out there and dance... I need some time by myself...

    Seth: Ok... wanna go Ari?

    Ari: ummm yes...

    °°°°Some moments later, Seth was kinda distracted, he could not forget the image of Ari screaming to him in that store... He was feeling not so confortable... Meanwhile, Ari was feeling the same... the image of Seth looking at her in that moment was really embarrasing and couldn't forget it but... she knew it was not that bad... Seth was her date... and accidents happen, but that was an accident? What about Seth actually enter there to saw here like that... maybe... Seth is a little perv... but he is like that always? This thoughts make her feel the urge to escape... to clear her mind... the she said°°°°

    Ari: Well I need to go to the restroom so... stay here...

    Seth: Ok... I will wait...

    This doesn't look good...

    Seth: What do you mean? She forgive me!

    Yeah but, it will be kind of weird...

    Seth: What do you mean?

    I mean, sure she forgives you... but she can't forget the fact you saw her... in a not to many clothes situation...

    Seth: I actually can't take that image from my head... is like... every time I see her face I remember that moment...

    Exactly, that is the way she feel...

    °°°°Meanwhile in the restroom°°°°

    Ari: Ok... I must relax... It is just my imagination... I know Seth... I know him more than he even know me...I mean I even spied him... he is not a pervert... it was an accident... he saw me almost naked for accident.... oh this is so confusing...
    but why do I still think in that moment... he looking at me... like surprised... it felt like the world stopped for a moment... then, well I did what is usual in that moments right... I screamed... like really high...
    but then if I always think in that way of Seth... that won't make me the pervert... No... It can't be... I like Seth he is my date... I like him a lot!

    ????: No way...

    Ari: ...! Ahhh Di... Dina... Wha...

    Dina: You like Seth... and also he saw you naked... that is so great! I must tell everyone... It will be the biggest gossip ever! Ari the shy girl loves Seth the perv dude...

    Ari: Wait no... You must listen to me... don't...

    Dina: Hey everyone! Guess what!...

    Ari: Crap... I need to stop talking alone... or at least check if I am alone...

    °°°°Back to the prom°°°°

    Seth: Why Ari is taking so long?

    I must tell you in this moment... it is not a good idea to check what she is doing right now... at least you want to see her naked again...

    Seth: I told you she was almost naked... and don't worry I am not going to do that...

    Randomdude: Hey Seth... good one...

    Seth: What are you talking about?

    Randomdude: You know... you and Ari... dressing room... nice!

    Seth: What ta... wait... ohh god... what happened...

    Maybe Ari told someone... and well you know how the gossips works...

    Seth: I can't belive it...

    Alex: Neither me... you liar...

    Seth: What? Alex?

    Alex: You told me she was only a friend... Also you said you didn't backstabbed people...

    Seth: But... listen I didn't mean...

    Alex: Like I told you everyone backstab me... EVERYONE!

    Seth: Ahhhrrr... I don't have time for this I need to find...

    Ari: Seth! Something horrible happened...

    Seth: I know... you told everyone about us and our accident?

    Ari: It was not my fault, I was in the restroom... I was talking to myself... and then Dina...

    Seth: Dina!? No no no no... Dina no... She will tell everyone...

    I think she already did... look... everyone is looking at us...

    Seth: I think I should go home

    Ari: I think I will go and live in a Cave like forever...

    I think I need something to drink... where are the god damnned sodas around here?

    Seth: You know... that bloddy rampage and Ari killing me wasn't such a bad idea

    Told you so...

    To be continued...