• Popcorn Explosin
    It was a hot sunny day me and my brother Tony where at home. "huuhh" I said im sooo bored so am i my brother said lets watch a movie so my brother went to go pick out the movie while i got the 2 popcorn bags out he saaid l exclaim ets watch dance flick i said ok!!!!! So then i put the popcorn in 4 2000 min. pop pop pop the popcorn went but i didnt know that i put the popcorn in 4 that long so then we started the movie my brothers friends came over there names where tommy and kevin we watched the movie. my brother and i started smelling something burning. what is that smell we all said . the popcorn my brother said i forgot all about it.. it was every where my brothers frienf=d kevin said LETSSS GETTTT BUCKETS AND SCOOP IT ALL UPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we all got buckets and scoop it up wat do we do with them ummm eat themmm ok we all said.. noooo waayy my mom and dada are homee nooooooo... we ran to the living roomm started eating popcorn and so did my parents and little sister.
    evey thing was happy ever after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!