• Chapter 1
    Once ther was a little girl who lived with an average kind of family. She plays with her oldest brother Ken and she always respects her mom and dad. The little girls name was Juliana. She never dose anything wrong to hurt her family or people she kept close to her heart. She is 8 years old and she figured out she had something special inside of her. Her hands glowed a light sparkly green and she was able to levitate things by pointing and lift her hand up, push it forward or backwards to move the item.
    Her mother new what that ability was. And was shocked that she had that kind of power. The power was called "Power dis Milo" also known as dark energy magic. With that kind of energy she is able to levitate, freeze, and repair things so easily with that special glow. The mother found her using that power outside and so she took a whip and whipped her on her back! The girl fell to the ground scared and shocked by her moms suprised attack. The mother picked her up and slapped her saying that shes a bad child and to never do that again.
    The reason was that along time ago Power dis Milo was a rage magic. It can be used when ever but when someone holds a grudge or gets angry and wants to explode... the portal to a place called "Edmoralist" opens up to there heart and soul and an energy spirit takes over the humans body. The energy spirit gets back to the person the human that it takes control hates... and the only way to stop it is the Humans scarafice that when regreted to kill people the spirit not only will go away but the human will die as well to not cause harm.
    Other people with the Power dis Milo kept there powers secret to ordinary people because once known that they have the power they must kill the person. Fear is alot more stronger than hatred so the Energy spirit is never out.
    Well anyways when the mother cried and after a serious beating to the child... the father was spying and watching from a corner.. he heard that they have the Power dis Milo and got scared of what to do. So later that night the worst thing that could had ever happened that the mother and daughter known might happen happened.
    The father told the men of the village that the his wife and kids have the Power dis Milo and they must die. So at midnight he let the men in and they killed the son who was up late at night getting a snack. His scream woke up the mom and daughter and they all went downstairs to check out what happend... they saw the father was there with the son killed on the ground... the mother ask what happen and the men jumped over and killed the mother too... and all thats left was Julliana... She was so scared and didn't know what to do... they came closer and closer but she couldn't do anything.. but then she thought about using the Power dis Milo and she did... her weak powers only was able to let her throw small things at the men... but it didn't stop them. Julliana looked at her dad.. his dad had a smirk on his face... and then Julliana started thinking about the good times they all use to have... and why they had to kill mother and brother... she started getting angry... and then the Pink glittery glow covered her whole body...
    She transformed to the energy spirit! She attacked the people like it was nothing... and she ripped their bodies and threw them everywhere with blood going suronding the the whole area... She looked at her dad and charged to him...
    She stopped and had a good look at him... and somehow the energy spirit was able to go back to its world and return the girl to normal. The girl was shocked of what she had done and begged her fathers forgiveness. But the father said she must leave now and run away somewhere where she can't hurt anybody else... so she did... left crying into the woods don't even know where to go... she asked herself why she was cursed with this power...