• Maria Suki Johnson is traveling the world with her parents, her mother is an Librarian and her father is an Adventurer. They stopped on the road at an old native american bariel ground. Will they were there she was walking around the grounds when she saw hidden in a tree trunk something silver. She reached down to grab it, it felt smooth exept for the parets with an old language writen on it and looked very old. she heard her mom calling her over the wisper of the birds, so she quickly slipped it in to her bag and ran to her. They got in the car and drove to the next town.
    Its midnight and the Johnsons family was all in there beds ,in a hotel somewhere in Canada. A window opened ,but none of the Johnsons have gotten up. A boy dressed in all black with two other men with him snuck threw the window, he looked around, he was searching for something or somebody but what? he looked at the girl, she was curled up with the book in her hands and five books of language's on her nightstand. "ah.. so thats were it went" he thought, he walked over to take the book from her and grabed it and sliped it out of her hands, he started to walk away when he heard something from behind him. "dad?" said a familar voice, he turns around to find the girl awake! "Marie?!!?" he crocked ,"what are you doing here Cliff? and why did you take my book an-" she stopped with her quistening he looked over and saw the other men had hit her in the head with a frying pan and baged her. "What are you guys doing!!!" he exclaimed, but they had already grabed him and pulled him into the car, and as they headed out to the beginning of there adventure.