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    The park was bright during the night and I didn’t want to see it during the day. The sky looked like a sunset all night, and when it rained, it wasn’t blue. There was a rainbow in every drop that fell from the sky. The smell of the air was different than any other park in the world. It smelled like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, and it made me want a fruit salad. That is why I love going to the park at night.

    While I was at the park, I heard a noise at the pond. I ran over as fast as I could because I was not use to hearing things at the pond. I could not see anything. There were no ducks, geese, or frogs. It was like nothing existed on the planet I was on.

    I thought I was on planet earth but I don’t think I am. I seem to be the only person on this planet. I may be the only living thing here. Could this all be an illusion, or maybe just a dream? As I lay down to go to sleep, I woke up as if in another dream. But this one looked as if I was on earth again. Could this be the real thing, or was it just another illusion, or dream?

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