• “All I need is a 10 minute window.” David was saying, “I know you can do that. I don’t know! Make the camera’s cut out or something. I don’t know. Claim there’s a fault or something.” He sighed and pinched his nose. “Ok. I’ll call back in a few hours.”
    He hung up the phone. His breathing seemed unnaturally loud. He looked back at the screen. There, just for a second, was a symbol. He’d seen it once before, a long time ago; it was those two interlocking rings. He breathed out heavily, and then jumped as a voice in his ear said.
    “Having trouble there?”
    David spun around pulling his pistol out and pointing it between the eyes of the man behind him. It took every ounce of self-control he had to stop himself pulling the trigger. Raphael smiled, but there was no humour in his expression.
    “Jumpy?” he said, strolling over to the turbo lift. “We need to talk.”
    “How the hell did you do that?” David panted still pointing his pistol at him. “And why in the world should I trust you?”
    Raphael paused as the doors slid open. “Because you need to get off this planet.” He stepped into the lift without looking back. David lowered his weapon and stepped into the elevator opposite him. The doors closed and the lift sped upward. About halfway up the building the lift suddenly jerked to a stop, shaking David off balance.
    “What the hell happened?” he exclaimed.
    “I cut the power to the lift.” Raphael stared unblinkingly at him. He returned it doggedly, without a hint of fear. Raphael looked away and continued. “You know how important this man is. I know even you must feel it.”
    “What the hell are you talking about?” David replied impatiently. “Look, start the lift again. I need to get this done or we’re not going to get into the Spire.” Raphael raised an eyebrow, still gazing out of the diamond walls.
    “You know, he distorts the world around him.” He said still looking out over the sparkling skyscrapers. “Everything around him changes to allow him to do as he pleases.”
    “You’re talking riddles mate.” David replied. He started pushing the turbo lift’s buttons. “There’s nothing I can do to help the Valkiria.” He stopped. The around them silence rang for several seconds.
    “You’re far cleverer than you feign to be.” Raphael turned back to him. “You must help Adanis to fulfil his destiny. He must reach Earth. Nothing else matters.” He looked David in the eye. “He must reach the Malachi.”
    “No.” David said. “No way!” He stepped backward into the wall. “I’d rather jump into a supernova than meet them.”
    “I know your secret.” Raphael looked away. “And it seems you know mine. You hide it well but I knew it the moment you spoke my name.
    Don’t worry ‘David’ if he finds out he will forgive you. After all he owes you his life.”
    “I have your word you won’t tell anyone.” Desperation flooded David’s voice. Raphael looked back.
    “Upon my word as a Malachi.”