• Tore blinked twice, not knowing what to do 3days ago she had been sitting at her computer screen with nothing to go on.. and now she was sitting at the FBI agencies telling about a crazy man who had killed over 50 people 20 years ago at a different library.. but the same way. all killed by battle axes ripped apart piece by piece the women.. raped the men torn to shreds.. the computer had shown her the library of Ohio a man named Derk Jon had entered at 10:15 and left at 11:23.. after 12:23 a suspicious women had called and reported it no name was given..
    Tore rubbed her eyes and thought to her self "so many questions and no answers the man Derk jon has been in prison since last November and the women was nowhere to be found the only clue that linked these two was the odd way the people had been disassembled the next question was who did it...