• Long ago, after the birth of man, the gods and the demons entered war. After centuries of blood filled destruction of each other, they decided to end it once and for all, they decided to have a champion battle. The gods chose Alchemais, who was known for her never ending beauty and strength,while the demons chose Serion, a demon widely known for his control over the elements, the cause of 200,000 gods' deaths,and his charming personnality and looks, which trapped all females as he used them for his bidding. The fight lasted 100 yrs (the whole war in general lasted about 500 yrs. Hey, its immortals we r talking about. They live for a long time and they actually quite advanced in weaponry, humans were lacking but caught on at the end of the war) They neither ate nor slept during that time. They fought, giving no quarter. They became too exhausted to fight and collapsed. Soon enough, they were found by and old healer who was born by a god and a devil. This man went by the name Armageddon. Armageddon made them quite fighting and stop the war. A year after the end of the war, Serion and Alchemais married but mysteriously vanished a few years later. The world is still a bit in dissray, but the Demonic Angels (in case u didnt put it together, the Demonic Angels r the children of Serion and Alchemais. razz ) r able to keep the peace between the gods and demons.