• It was just a regular 4th of July, the only difference was that I was with my buddies not my parents. My best friend manning the grill, although I was the better cook. Hamburgers sizzling, the aroma was heavenly although the food was going to be horrible. I lifted my head from the grassy patch waiting for the fire works to start suddenly “KABOOM!!!”. At first we all thought it was a fire work itself , the sky lit up with a bright green. We then realized the explosion wasn’t a firework when the same green light came ominously at us.

    My best friend came up with the most bogus idea. He exclaimed as soon as the light was gone “Oooooh it looks like some aliens are trying to mess with us.” My girlfriend , who was sitting next to me, got up and slapped him. The peeved girl yelled “You idiot you know aliens don’t exist, and if they did the wouldn’t just frighten some teenagers.” Suddenly I started feeling weird “Ummm guys I don’t feel so good” I grumbled “ I’m heading in.” “Awwww” my girlfriends brother, who hates me and was beating a punching bag “ Does the wittle mamas boy needs an excuse to ditch us. “At least my mother likes me” I said as I walked away.

    That night I fell asleep with a full mind. Images and information zoomed through my head. In my dreams I envisioned this shady figure, I couldn’t make out his face. When I woke up I was very groggy, I felt terrible. Since it was a school day I grabbed my back pack, an orange, and a couple of bucks for lunch money and left.

    School was boring as usually, I watch the clock tick time away slowly . It had seemed as if everything around me wasn’t moving at all. “Joshua I will not allow day dreaming in my class room” yelled my stout loud teacher Mrs. Smith. “Oh sorry’ I said fibbing completely. I looked down at my hands bored as heck.
    Suddenly my hand started changing into a blackish grayish color I immediately stuffed my hands in my pockets. Then “RRRRRRING” saved by the bell.

    When I got home I immediately checked my hands, normal color , but they soon changed black. Not only my hands my whole body. A phantom-like aura surrounded me. I felt scared for a second, but then I felt this strange feeling. Like I had all the power in the world. I then called my best friend “Yo buddy, you wouldn’t believe what’s happening to me.” “Does it involve fire or something” he asked anxiously. “No why?” I responded.

    “Well today during P.E. I was burning up. At first I thought it was just a fever or me overheating, but then I started on fire. I couldn’t control it then, but I’m awesome now.” my friend responded . “Well” I said “I can’t just explain it to you. How about I send you a pic of it.” I hung up my cell , and took a picture of me before I would change back. “So what do you think?” I asked my friend “Well” he responded “I don’t know.”

    Then my mom came in “Josh” she said in a sing-song voice “How would you like to go to the store for me?” “Sure Mah. Can I get a soda when I go?” I asked. “Sure” mom responded , she then handed me the money for some groceries, a newspaper, and a soda. When I got to the store I bought all the groceries and the soda . I went to the box to buy the newspaper. I read the cover “Yatta Yatta Yatta ,Nuclear Explosion, huh?”