• Walking down to the basement of the central building, where Jin deemed it safest, Hania ran down the steps, leaving all her views, emotions and opinions behind as she opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat, two men standing in the center of the room with grins on their faces and their arms crossed. Her face completely drained of colour, even with her fake tan, Jin stumbled in behind her with a bulky man behind him, nudging his back and forcing him forwards.
    A million curses came to mind, and she selected her choicest of insults to throw at the men.
    “Youse flamin’ mother o’ a steamin’ maggo’-faced goblin!” she screeched as another man pushed her down to her knees. Jin looked up at the men and his face twisted in fury.
    “Rowen.” he hissed as the skinnier of the men stepped forwards and cackled.
    “Ain’t you a clever man Kariya.” Rowen commented in a sarcastic voice. Hania and Jin fell limp, pretty defenceless. Rowen stepped up to stand in front of the couple, grinning manically. A burnt odour emitting from the tomblike cellar made Hania want to sneeze, but she couldn’t work out it’s origins. Not that that mattered at the minute... The floor they were knelt on was nothing but packed dirt, and it was hard against their knees and rough at the touch of their hands. The low ceiling created a disturbing sense of claustrophobia whilst the walls were papered with a dark grey, making the area seem even smaller. Unsurprisingly, there was little light as they were in the basement, but a single 40 watt bulb hung from the ceiling, keeping everyone visible in the cramp room.
    Snorting, Rowen kicked Jin hard in the side...
    “Idiot.” he hissed back, before laughing boisterously. Hania cringed, watching as the breath left Jin’s lungs when he was kicked. He coughed, edging himself up, only to be beaten back down with a baseball bat, wielded by one of the three henchmen standing by the door. He let out a hard gasp, on his hands and knees and coughing blood up. Spitting the red out of his mouth, he glared up at the traitorous agent. Hania grimaced, watching Jin get beaten. Anger flared up inside her, but she couldn’t find the energy to do anything about it. She was just a small girl who, at the minute, everyone was ignoring. Glancing around, she examined the area again. Rowen and Chrivae were advancing rapidly towards the crippled Jin, and the other thugs were standing around, chuckling to theirselves and pulling baseball bats from their coats. Her eyes flashed mischievously as she spotted a stack of crates nearby. Checking everyone again, she leapt up to her feet. Speeding towards Jin, she grabbed his arm, pulling him up to his feet. Gunshots echoed around them and a searing pain surged up her arm as the bullet grazed her. Without a word, she forced Jin into a run, and they took cover behind the stacked boxes.
    “What does we do nows?” she asked hysterically, feeling the boxes thud and shake as the bullets entered them. The sounds from the guns exploded in their ears as each and every one chipped away at every speck of hope they had left and Hania’s eyes watered every time the tiny explosions sounded. She brushed them away, hearing Rowen's bitter laughter behind them. Sobering, Jin heaved himself into a kneeling position, pulled his gun out of his pocket and he signalled for Hania to do the same. Gun in hand, he peered slowly around the wall that sheltered them for the time being. The men were advancing quickly on them, and baring guns and various other weapons. Without another thought, Jin started squeezing the trigger repeatedly, propelling his own bullets towards the men. Hania, frozen, watched with wide eyes, her hand slowly creeping to her pocket. Before she could do anything, one gunshot erupted louder than the others, and everything silenced as Jin fell back, a hollow hole in his forehead where the bullet penetrated his skull. Hania screamed, falling towards his dead figure and moisture welling up in her eyes as she watched his life and expression leave his face and body. The blood ran slowly down his face, staining his cheeks with a crimson, bleak glow that only minutely reflected the blessed blush that used to occupy his cheeks when he spoke. A liquid of a clearer colour seeped down raced down Hania’s cheek as she gave up the hiding, kneeling down and holding his still warm body in her arms. Solemn footsteps tapped to stand behind her, and she silenced from her husky crying. Unwillingly, she laid down Jin and turned around, pushing herself up with newfound strength. Men started kicking down the crates that were hiding them, but that didn’t matter. Bodies littered the floor carelessly, abandoned by their souls and friends as Jin’s bullets pierced their hearts and scalps. One man’s lifeless corpse attracted Hania’s attention, a much larger lump of flesh standing out among the mangled mess. An untidy jumble of bullet holes lined his chest, his shirt damp with the wine red blood which he used to hold so dearly. Towering above her, Rowen offered a soft smile, before a helping hand to steady her as she attempted to stand. She pushed it away, using the remainder of one of the dark, dismantled wooden boxes to heave herself up to face him. The man took a step back.
    “Jin was never a pleasant man...” he sympathised, smiling still. “Hania. You’re a good kid. You’ve got a strong streak of self-preservation, a good trait in a young woman... Join us.” he said suddenly, looking down at the eccentric, and now fuming girl. Everyone around her stilled, and she took one deep breath before giving her answer.
    "Even i’ da sun goes oot, even i’ I die, even I’ every star, every pinpoin’ o’ ligh’ wen’ oot, I’se ain’t ever givin’ in an’ I will always be figh’in’ youse. Youse is meh enemy an’ will ne’er be anythin’ more." Hania spat at Rowen, plunging her hand into her pocket and taking out her shotgun, shooting him dramatically in the forehead. His blood splattered against the plain canvas of her shirt and the deep chill in his eyes went out as his skull shattered and the bullet ran far into the disturbed depths of his brain. The next couple of minutes a complete blur, a striking pain entered her side, yet it felt almost distant and unreal. The bullet stopped inside her and she ignored the repulsive agony as the door burst open and uniformed officers fired at her attackers. The thundering repeated volleys of the guns encased her ears and hammered into her brain. The twisted burning sting from her arm and side overpowered her, and her eyes went blank as she joined the wasted carcass of Rowen on the blood soiled ground. Her heart still thumping, her wounds bled heavily and her breathing troubled and uneasy.