• Ethan realized his lip was bleeding as he bit it, and he turned to Vinny. "Where's the field marshal!?" Vinny shrugged and licked his lips. Suddenly something landed with a soft thud between Ethan and Vinny. It was round and dark green. Ethan's eyes grew wide and he jumped to his feet. Run, run, run away, He thought frantically. After a few strides he dived desperately forward. There was a loud explosion, Ethan felt intense heat on his back, and he was catapulted forward in the middle of his dive.

    The grenade's explosion threw Ethan through a tent and into a stack of crates. For the first time he noticed it was now pouring rain. Then he thought of Vinny. Ethan lifted himself to his feet and spotted the tent that he and Vinny had been behind. The tent was now just a few tattered pieces of vinyl, the ground it had stood on now just a blackened splotch. And Vinny was no where to be seen. Ethan felt his eyes well up with tears as he remembered Vinny proudly telling them all that he had just become a father. Ethan realized that that baby was not going to know its father.

    Ethan wiped the sweat and tears from his blackened face and looked around wildly. He had lost his rifle. He turned to his left and gasped as a German soldier came charging at him. Ethan acted as quickly as he could, throwing his whole body at the man. He close-lined the Nazi and took his rifle, sprinting towards a group of three Allied soldiers. He dropped to his knees between them all, gasping for breath.

    "Ethan, you alright?" said one of the soldiers. Ethan realized it was Owen. He clapped him on the back in the most reassuring manner he could muster. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," he said, licking his lips. One of the other soldiers glanced at him after taking a shot. "You sure? Your back doesn't look to good. It looks burnt," the man said. Ethan felt his back and realized the soldier was right. The grenade had wounded him. Ethan swallowed.