• Wonce apon a tyme ther waz a alternete world. On this world waz born a boi. He ez borne on tha Fun-Suckerz side. He gos thru lif lik a normol Earth boi until he turnz fiv. On the day he turnz fiv he sayz goodby to hiz parents.Today iz tha last day he will si hiz parents until he turns nighn-teen. He iz taking tha plane to tha Fun-Lovers side with all tha other fiv year olds. On tha Fun-Loverz side tha kidz get to do whatever ther hart dezirs. Ther is no "Law" on tha Fun-Loverz side. They r able to do whatever they want until they turn nighn-teen. Wen he turnz nighn-teeen he takes a plane bac to tha Fun-Suckerz side. Ther he desids wat he wants to do for tha rest of hiz lif. He continues hiz lif then az a normol human adult.