• A bright and early summer morning welcomed Gir onto the sidewalk. He yawned and stretched, walking down the walk-way of his master, Zim. He hummed a small toon and walked down the street, his eyes darting this way and that way. He skipped down the sidewalk, but suddenly tripped on something pink and sweet smelling. He sat up and looked down."Oh, cupcakes!!" he exclaimed, picking it up."Ima keep it and name it.." he pondered."'Gir'!" he carefully started back towards his home. Once at his yard, Zim was standing at the doorway."Gir!! Where have you been? We need to plot our next evil plan to destory the Earthinoids!!" Zim laughed evily, a flash of lighting appearing behind him. Zim cough."So are you in or out, gir?" he asked with an annoyed tone of voice. Gir remained silent."Gir! Are you-" Gir stared at him."NO!! This is Gir! I am Gir." he showed Zim the old cupcake."See?" Zim looked confused."Very well then..Gir the Cupcake..do you accept this challenge?" Everyone feel silent. Gir held the cupcake to his ear."Uh huh..Gir says 'TACOS!!'" he exclaimed. Zim growled."Kiss the Gir-Cake." Gir shoved the sugary treat into Zim's face."No!! I will do this mission myself!!" he pushed Gir out of the way and started down the street. Gir watched and frowned, walking back into the home. He set Gir-Cake down on the floor, watching him. Soon, hsi stomach growled. Gir licked his lips and drowled."Gir-Cake, if I eat you, will you promise me that you'd still me my friend?"Gir asked, drooling onto the carpt. No reply came from the sticky little cake thing. Gir grinned and ate the cake in one gulp, leaving nothing but a few sprinkles and crumbs. Gir burped, patting his stomach." Tummy is happy."gir yawned and collaped to the ground, falling asleep. Soon- a few hours later- Zim arrived home, covered head-to-toe with tomatoes."Urg..putrid humans. How dare they shower me with this disgusting vegetable.." he growled, stepping into his home. He gasped."Gir!! What happened?!?!" he asked, a terrified look on his face. Gir was now pink and covered in a green-like mold."TACOS!!!'Gir squealed. Zim sighed and shook his head, walking back outside. END!!!