• on a bright sunny day on the fourth of july there lived a mexican jumping bean ...on portch abandoned alone with a flower pot sitting there then one day a boy picked up the jumping bean and said " you will be my bestest friend!" and so that mexican jumping bean felt like he had a purpose to live it was...... well he didnt really know why he was a jumping bean and why he HAD to be one, or maybe thats just what god wanted him to be. So he lived his whole life with that boy and he was happy cause he had a friend, soon the boy grew old became and adult and had better things todo than talk to a bean. The jumping bean was sad but he knew that he was his friend, then the bean grew old and so did the adult, he was now an old and when that old man died he kept the bean in his hand because he remebered that he was its friend... and from then on they were friends forever..........