• "The sky is so beautiful..." said Marione, Alcione nodded. "It's cool, I guess" said Alcione. The sisters sat on their deck, looking up at the mid-day sky, the clouds slowly moving to the right. Marione's curly black hair danced in the wind as the cool spring breeze blew past her, kissing her bare shoulders. Alcione sat next to her sister, watching the clouds drift in the air "What time is Aram getting home?" she was referring to their brother, "Later..." Marione breathed, the sky took her breath away.
    "I wish I could fly!" said Marione as she stood and spread her arms apart and smiled widely at the sky. Alcione stared out at the view they had, there was a giant field of grass and clovers that seemed to go on forever. marione ran out to the field, her arms still in the air; she looked like plane as she darted forward. Alcione ran after her, laughing with her sister as they spun around with their arms flailing in the air. Marione's hair flipped and slapped her face, Alcione's short curly black hair stayed at her jaw line. They danced and twirled around and around, the sun silently setting behind them.
    They lay in the filed of clovers, holding hands and panting. "That was fun...!" Marione rasped, Alcione chuckled "Yeah, it was!" They stared at the pink sky, astounded at how the time had passed. Marione stared at the now pruple-ish sky "That color reminds me of mom's favorite dress, she used to say it was made of the most beautiful sunset in the world..." she said, her eyes welling up. Alcione's eyes began to water as well "That liar!" she sobbed out. Alcione wiped the tears from her eyes and sat up "Let's look for a four-leaf clover! Mom always looked for them with us!" Marione nodded and smiled a little.
    They ran out to the place where they thought they could find the best clovers, crawling on the ground. They searched and seachered until the sky turned black, not even the moon could guide them. Alcione dug through the bunches and bunches of clovers, not paying attention to her dazed sister or the dirt on her pants and shirt. The breeze flowed through, Alcione finally looked up. Marione was looking up at the sky, the stars twinkling as if to console her. "Mar..." Alcione started, but stopped when she saw the glowing tears trickled down Marione's face. Alcione looked down at the bunch right below her, she slowly pulled the group of clovers apart to see a tiny baby foru-leaf clover sitting there all by itself. Alcione gently plucked it from the ground. "Marione, I found one..." Alcione said quietly, Marione turned slowly. She smiled when she saw the tiny clover between her sister's finger-tips.
    Alcione placed the tiny clover ontop of their mother's grave, careful not to injure the clover or step on the grave. "We finally found a fou-leaf clover mom!" Marione said enthusiastically, Alcione stepped back next to her sister. "You were right, we went right to your spot mom" Alcione added. Marione and Alcione knelt by the grave and prayed for their mother, that she was happy in heaven with their dad. "Mari! Alice! Where are you?" their brother called form the house. marione and Alcione gave eachother a knowing glane, then started towards the house. they walked into the light the kitchen gave off from inside the house, Aram was standing in the doorway on the deck. "Look at you two! Playing out in the fields, eh?" he chuckled. Alcione's jean pants were soaked with garss stains and mud streaks, as well as her palms and t-shirt. Marione's sleeveless sundress had mud at the bottom and her knees were covered with mud and grass-stains. "Is dinner ready?" Alcione asked, "Yeah I just finished it, it's 7:00 already!" he said. Alcione grabbed Marione's hand and they went into the house "We'll get ready then!" she called back to him.
    "We're not going to tell him abut the four-leaf clover?" Marione asked, Alcione shook her head and smiled "he'd never believe us!"