• The darkest petal just fell at last. My days are numbered and my heart grows weary of the pain. The thought of loosing the one I love makes me realize how ******** up the world is. I usually lay in my bed, counting the times we kissed, the times we laughed together as we huddled against each other on the bed watching tv. I loved her with all my heart and now the days wither by like a rose after it blooms. The hours pass by quickly and for a while I smile but when I return to reality... all my pain returns and crushes my heart deep into my chest. I realize after a while that she doesn't love me back... that maybe she just loved me out of pity... but once I remember the actual truth I regret those thoughts and hide. The pain is unbearable and it does not stop me from crying from the pain I hold inside my heart. The truth is I have made her life more miserable and regret the pain I made her go through...
    I'm sorry Rachel.