• I stood on the concrete sidewalk glancing around me, it was a cloudy windy day and all my business in Dublin was done, so I had the entire day to myself. I didn’t need to be at the airport until six in the evening, I had nine hours.
    I spotted a quaint looking underground pub straight ahead and walked across the street to it. When I opened the doors it blew back strands of my dirty blonde hair and I could smell the homemade cooking coming from downstairs. I walked down the flight of dark stairs and through another door into the pub.
    It was a little crowded, but cozy. A bar was at the opposite end of the room and throughout the restaurant there were tables and booths. I set my purse down on the chair next to me and sat at the bar. Although with it being morning I hadn’t planned on ordering anything to drink besides coffee.
    An older man came up and asked, “What can I get ya ter’ drink?”
    “Just a coffee will do.” I replied smiling and glancing around the room. People of all ages sat and chatted while Celtic music played over the speakers. The man brought me my coffee and I had just added some cream when my phone went off.
    Reaching down I flipped open the cover and saw my new text message from my fiancé, Mark.
    Angela, hope the trip to Ireland is going well. Can’t wait to see you tonight, love ya and miss you tons! Xoxo
    - Missing you Mark
    Smiling and retaining the urge to giggle I responded. Only Mark would text me at four in the morning New York time.
    I finished my coffee relaxing in the atmosphere. A man behind the counter was talking to a group of Scottish men, showing them a map of the area. He was tall with dark hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes, probably around my age, which was twenty-six. He looked sturdy, like a man raised on a farm. He glanced up at me just then, I looked away embarrassed and pulled out a map from my purse.
    Maybe I could find a good shopping center nearby. The map confused me, but I thought I had a pretty idea of where to go. I paid for the coffee and grabbed my belongings heading out into the brisk windy Irish day.
    I turned left and crossed a street trying to follow the map unsuccessfully. I walked around the city until almost noon when I gave up on ever finding the place. Sighing I slumped down on a bench. The pub I had been in was only a block from where I sat. Something about it had lured me in. Standing up I walked through the drizzling rain and found my way back to the pub.
    Once inside I sat at a table, running my hand through my dampened hair. A short woman with a thick accent took my order, I wasn’t hungry so all I got was an iced tea and some chips.
    I sat there nibbling slowly at the chips and sipping at the tea studying the map. I wanted to see more of Dublin before I left tonight, but it was so confusing I wasn’t sure if I could make it over the town and back to the airport alone. The waitress came back and took my empty plate, right behind her was the man I had seen earlier.
    “Not from around here ah?” He asked pulling out the chair and sitting across from me.
    Taken off guard I stammered, “No…not…really. I’m from New York.”
    “New York? As in the city?”
    “Yes, New York City.” I nodded my head feeling dumb.
    “Far way from home dontcha think?” He raised an eyebrow at me.
    “Yes, without a doubt. I was here on business.”
    “When do yer go back?”
    “Tonight.” I replied wondering why he was so curious.
    “What are you lookin for?” He motioned to the map laid out in front of me.
    I looked down before replying, “Oh, I just wanted to see more of Dublin before I left. But I’m pretty dumb when it comes to maps apparently.”
    He laughed and said, “I could help yeh ya know? Lived in Dublin for eight years now, think I know my way round here pretty well.”
    “Oh could you?!” I asked eager for his help shoving the map in his direction.
    He cocked his head and laughed again shoving the map back. “No map needed. It’s all up here.” He tapped his head and said, “I’ll give yeh a free tour of this side of the city. Show you all of the shops and everythin.”
    “That’s very generous of you, but won’t you get in trouble? I’m sure I’ll manage just fine if you point me in the right direction.” My heart pounded hard in my chest for some reason.
    “None sense. I own this place. They won’t mind if the boss disappears for a while.”
    “Are you sure?” I asked flushing crimson, I wasn’t sure that I wanted him to show me around the city.
    “Positive. Grab yer things and lets head out.” He stood to his feet and extended his hand, “The names Jonathan by the way. And you can leave yer luggage here and pick it up before ye leave.”
    “Angela Hanson.” I clasped his rough hand briefly and then tossed some money on the table and grabbed my purse.
    We walked out into the light rain which had slowed some. “Spittin a bit ah?” He commented walking down the street, I followed behind him.
    “Yeah, I think it rains three-hundred-and-fifty days of the year here.” I glanced up at the cloudy grey sky as we walked.
    “Just about I’d say. So what do you do fer a livin?”
    “I’m a fashion designer.”
    “Involve a lot of travelin?” He asked pulling his coat about him tighter and glancing at me.
    “Mmm yes. Quite a bit. I’m still new though, this is my second trip this year. My next one won’t be until next spring to London.”
    “Where was yer first?”
    “Paris, three months ago.”
    “Must’ve been nice.” He smiled a crooked smile.
    “It is, except normally I don’t get out to enjoy the city like this, my last trip had consisted of five days in a hotel conference room.”
    “Wow, now that’s livin on the adventurous side!” He teased leading me down another street.
    “Whatever you say!” I joked along with him. “So what do you do for a living?”
    “I’m a chief, opened my own pub here in Dublin four years ago after I graduated from the university.”
    “Do you enjoy it?”
    “Wouldn’t be doin it otherwise.” He smiled again, the street we were on was cobblestone and bright connected buildings lined the street. “Now, pick yer store.”
    “Umm…” I looked around not sure which to choose. “How about…that one?” I pointed to one that looked quaint and elegant.
    “That one?” He asked perplexed. “Thought you’d go for the fashion store over there.” He pointed to a store on the left hand side.
    “Think I’ll pass.” I crinkled my nose and opened the door walking inside the store.
    “Whatever ye say.” He followed behind me. We spent about fifteen minutes look over all the traditional Celtic jewelry and decorations. I didn’t buy anything, I didn’t plan on buying anything at all today.
    For the next three hours we walked through shops on the streets talking about everything that came to mind.
    I hadn’t felt this connected to someone in…I didn’t even know how long. Just standing there close to him made me feel good.
    “You sure have quit the personality!” Jonathan commented placing his hand on my back guiding me out of a store and onto the streets.
    “Err…thanks? I think?”
    “Don’t worry it was a compliment.” He smiled and laughed at me as we walked.
    My cell phone went off for the sixth time today, I had answered every single message until now. Now I just picked it up and turned it off stuffing it to the bottom of my purse.
    “Ye have to go in here and try the chocolate!” Jonathan demanded leading me to small cozy store. We walked inside the smell of chocolate and candy filled the air.
    “Mmm! Smells good!” I commented closing my eyes.
    “Of course it does! It’s chocolate!” He bought a bag full of candies and hand picked which ones I had to try first.
    “I must admit, they’re all good. And way better than American chocolate!”
    “I’ve never been to America, so I can’t say.”
    “Well take my word for it!” I licked the chocolate off my fingers and followed him back outside.
    Rain started pouring from the sky in buckets, he grabbed my hand and was about to pull me under a roof, but I stood my ground, looking up to the sky, closing my eyes I enjoyed the feel of the rain falling on my face. When would I feel this way again? When would I be this carefree?
    Not fully aware of what I was doing I clasped Jonathan’s hand tighter. Opening my eyes I looked at him. He pulled me closer and kissed me right there in the rain, in the middle of Dublin as if the world were about to end. My hands moved behind his head clutching his hair I kissed him never wanting to let go, never wanting to be apart.
    I don’t know how long we stood there in the rain before pulling apart, realization of what I did suddenly set in. Stepping back I murmured, “I’m sorry…I…I have to go.”
    He grabbed my hand and stepped closer to me, “Don’t go Angela, I’m askin you to stay, please.”
    At a lost for words I scrambled to control my thoughts. Mark. New York. “I…I can’t. I’m so sorry.” I let go of his hand and whispered. “I have to go. Goodbye Jonathan.” I was now choking past the tears building up, “Thank you for today. I’ll never forget it.” With that I turned and jogged through the rain picking up a taxi at the end of the street. I climbed in and watched the scene disappear behind me.
    The taxi pulled up in front of the pub where I snatched my luggage and then continued on to the airport. I sat numbed for most of the ride, staring blankly out the window.
    When I stepped out of the taxi with my belongings I looked up at the large building in front of me, by walking through those doors I would be on my way home to New York City. As the rain slowed and the sun fought to come out I couldn’t help but to think, what if. What if I never went back? Looking around me once more I took that one small step that felt like a lunge across the Atlantic ocean and walked through the doorway of the airport.