• two days have pasted...im still in here and Lily has not woken up yet.....i woder if shes ok...man the food stinks here...literally.....i wonder if i will ever get out of here! i hated missing school...its not like i love it...i just miss my friends...well not really Kelly...oh no! i wonder if she found out about Mike! s**t! well....i guess ill just hope for the best. there is nothing to do here....nothing! i wished i had someone to talk to...i heard the doctor over talking about me going to live with my aunt...she only lives about 20 minutes away from my house. Shes very nice. she knows that my mom is dead, but she doesnt know about my dad...s**t i wonder how ill tell her...hmm ill say that he died in a car crash body never found! yeah...no! hmmm...ill just tell her that he went missing on night and found out that he had moved away from depression. that will work! well now all i can do is just wait...wait until Lily wakes up...wait until i get out of here...wait until my aunt comes..wait..

    another day pasted...Lily woke up but she isnt talking, eating, or anything except for breathing....i think she lost too musch blood and her body is recovering...i wonder what happed to her...weird...well im too tired to be thinging right now...i wonder if Axel is looking for me....

    im getting out of the hospital today..finally. Lily has to wait a week...i was write she lost too much blood...poor girl...i feel really sorry for her...he mom is worried sick...her dad left his work trip to get to her...he almost go fired. My aunt is coming tomorrow to take me with her...i called her and asked if i could go to the same school...she said sure...shes gonna buy me a car. well nothing much to say...sorry...but i have to go...i have to get home and pack everything....